Saturday, September 21, 2024

Still Life with Robin: The Domino-ator, Part 2 (As Promised)

 by Peggy Robin

My Still Life with Robin column on July 20 was about the hands-down, greatest-ever exhibition at the National Building Museum: the work of the domino artist Lily Hevesh -- and if you missed it, you can get a good idea of her kinetic art in this article+video from Smithsonian Magazine: 

What is NOT in the Smithsonian link is the grand finale of the Lily Hevesh show, and this is the toppling of the world's tallest tower of dominoes (33 feet!). At the end of my July 30 column, I said I would post a video of the Great Tower Tumble as soon as I found it online. And then I promptly forgot about it....until a few days ago (Sept 18), when the video below showed up on the Site Formerly Known As Twitter (SiFoKat, pronounced "suffocate").

So I 've kept my promise by presenting it today. (NOTE: The image below is static. To see the 1-minute video, click go to this link:

Still Life with Robin is published on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays.

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