Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dangerous Driver on the Loose in NW DC

Watch out for this dangerous driver who was reported on the Chevy Chase listserv. The best advice when it comes to dangerous drivers is to keep away:  Slow down, let them get to where they want to go (hoping that they make it alive), and be glad that they're no longer a threat to you.
At approximately 7:30-7:45am most school days last year, and now this year, a young blond woman driving a bright blue Jeep with DC plates flies through the stop sign at Nevada and Livingston, NW and then proceeds to barrel up Livingston Street at speeds that will make your head spin. I've tried to be patient, tried to point out as she barrels up the hill that she's driving too fast and on occasion have yelled at the top of my lungs imploring her to slow down.
The driver's actions today have topped anything I could have imagined. At approximately 2:30pm she barrels up the hill behind me, I slow down and turn on my left blinker to signal that I'm intending to turn into the alley and then she proceeds to pass on the left! I decide to take a deep breath and follow her for a little while, keeping my distance, not breaking any laws, etc. I did finally get caught at the light at River and Goldsboro so I turned around to come home.
The car is decorated with hearts on the side view mirror and has Seniors '11 painted on the back window. If you know this person or their parents, please implore them to be more cognizant of the rules of the road and the consequences of their awful behavior.

1 comment:

  1. Just now catching up on this blog ... but wanted to thank you for posting this note about the dangerous driver. Has anyone been able to track her down? I she still at it?
