Washington tweets. A lot. The Washington Tweets column is a collection of the most interesting, recent Washington-area tweets. These tweets reveal a candid and fascinating portrait of what is on our collective minds: Twitter gives a snapshot of what we're doing, thinking and hoping for as a group. Washington Tweets is Washington in the raw. Bill Adler tweets at @billadler.
This is a special Rally for Sanity edition of Washington Tweets.
Spotted: little girl in a princess dress with the sign "I'm taking back my tea party" #rallyforsanity #dc #Stewart/Colbert
Professional estimates based on overhead photos? Stewart/Colbert rally: 215K vs Glenn Beck's 87K
Rally not just politics ~ http://bit.ly/bJt3mw ~ a refreshing reminder that not every person or opinion has to be polarized.
Loving the signs from the Sanity Rally. Good job sign people!
On the train to the Rally for Sanity in DC. Six trains were jammed B4 we could squeeze on the metro in Bethesda. Crowd vibe is upbeat.
In retrospect, my favorite sanity/fear rally sign was the simple, "Iraqi-American: Afraid to ride on a plane with myself."
I loved almost (but not!) getting crushed in the crowd & on the metro. I've never been in a crowd that big, including SD ComiCon. Wow.
Stewart/Colbert rally, no ATT signal 4 hours, Metro overwhelmed, but amiable huge crowd, gr8 weather
My favorite sign at the rally was, "I don't mind pressing 1 for English"
Too many people at the rally to hear from the stage but we absorbed the positive mood and heard Jon's great closing speech on computer.
The best sign from Stewarts rally I thought was " Public Ignorance = Corporate Bliss"
The Rally to Restore Sanity was actually insane. I am sooo tired.
Maybe the government should start renting out the Mall in DC for events to pay down the deficit!
Got back from the rally at 4am, ugh, so tired.
Loves the sign at Rally to Restore Sanity: "Someone hug Bill O'Reilly."
"Citizens United Against Citizens United" - best rally sign that I saw this weekend.
the rally to restore sanity was INSANE with people, but the nicest crowd I've ever been in, even when waiting in lines on the metro.
I didn't do anything last night. Was invited to a club but was too tired from the amazing rally yesterday!!
In happier news, DC and the rally were so, so awesome. So many people, but I'm happy to have finally made it to DC!
DC metro ridership record: 835 k tried to go to DC for the rally. So how come they said there were only 200k at the mall? It was packed!
Possible new favorite sign from the rally: "Anyone for Scrabble later?"
215,000+ in attendance at the Rally To Restore Sanity and/or Fear. Wow. I am so glad I made it out there! The signs were the best part. :D
The #rally4sanity is over, but I am still rally tired! #ILovePuns
Best sign I saw from The Rally to Restore Sanity And/Or Fear, "Christine O'Donnell turned me into a Newt"
Man in the metro to a huge crowd of rally-goers: "Thank you for leaving!" BYE DC
I had a great time at the Rally To Restore Sanity in Washington this weekend. "If we amplify everything, we hear nothing."
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