Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Airbag Thefts in Chevy Chase, DC

A member of the Chevy Chase Listserv reported two airbag thefts, one from her own car and one from a neighbor down the street.  Here's her account of what happened:
Unfortunately last week (December 23rd during the day), my air bag was stolen while
my car was parked in my driveway. The police were called and a report was filed.  I do know this was not an isolated incident as I've seen one other car down the street with a stolen air bag as well. For those who may question:  Yes, the car was locked. They broke a window. And, from what I  have heard and read, it only takes a few minutes to steal one.

Please make sure you call the police if you see anyone walking the streets or in a car that looks suspicious.

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