Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tip From MPD: Hide Your Opened Electronics Boxes

Here's a very helpful holiday burglary prevention tip from the Metropolitan Police:

After You've Opened the Gifts

Burglars know that many households have new, and oftentimes expensive, items in their homes following the December holidays -- especially items such as new computers and peripherals, stereo components, televisions, cameras and other electronic equipment. In too many cases, residents make it easy for burglars to figure out which homes to target by putting boxes that identify their new gifts in plain view with their other garbage. Avoid becoming an easy target for post-holiday burglars by not leaving boxes for new electronics and other items in the alley or other garbage pick-up locations for several days at a time. Instead, break down any boxes you are throwing out, put them in garbage bags and place them inside a trash can. (In many cases, especially with computer equipment, you might consider keeping the boxes for safe storage, shipping or moving in the future.)

Think about keeping broken-down boxes inside --in a garage, for example-- until the evening before your regular garbage pick-up. Some burglars actually look inside garbage cans for evidence of holiday gifts. And, of course, if you see someone suspicious casing your alley, call the Metropolitan Police Department's non-emergency number, 311. If you see a burglary in progress, call 911.

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