Monday, February 7, 2011

Here Comes Cleveland Park's New Giant Supermarket (Finally)

Finally. After 11 years of contentious neighborhood squabbling, all the ducks are in a row for the construction of a new supermarket and residential/retail development at Wisconsin Avenue and Newark Street.

If you're not familiar with the story, here's the very, very condensed version: On one side are neighbors who want a modern supermarket to replace the 1950s style supermarket that Giant current operates at Wisconsin and Newark. This group constitutes the vast majority of Cleveland Park neighbors. On the other side are a handful of neighbors who have used a variety of tactics, including lawsuits, to delay for over a decade the Giant's redevelopment.

But now, reports ANC Commissioner Trudy Reeves on the Cleveland Park Listserv: "The project is definitely going forward. [The Giant has] already had several preliminary design review meetings with the various agencies of the DC government that have jurisdiction over the project...During the summer they will file for demolition permits and begin demolition in the late summer."

You can see what the project will look like here.

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