Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Public Meeting on Health Insurance Reform on July 21

The DC government has organized a public meeting on Thursday, July 21, to let people know how health insurance reform will affect them and their communities.  Here's the announcement with all the details:

A One City Insured Public Meeting: Health Insurance You Can Afford

The Mayor’s Health Reform Implementation Committee (HRIC) cordially invites you to a community dialogue on the “future of health care in the District of Columbia.” This meeting, which is open to the community, will be Thursday, July 21, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church at 3000 Pennsylvania Avenue SE. Parking is available.

President Barack Obama signed the health care reform bill into law in March 2010, and the HRIC is heading the effort to implement the law in the District. The HRIC wants to know from you how the District’s health insurance marketplace should operate; who should it serve; and to get your input on affordability.

Who should attend: If you’re a small business owner; a single or married mom; uninsured or underinsured; insured through your job; have a pre-existing condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure or cancer; a civic association or ANC leader; or run a health ministry, this is for you. This meeting is part of a series of forums and other events that are being conducted by the HRIC to obtain public input. And a lot of information is available on health reform -- what it is and what it will mean for you, your family or business. We need as much input as possible to make sure that the District’s health insurance marketplace offers high quality insurance at a price you can afford.

For additional background on the HRIC and its undertakings, visit the website at www.healthreform.dc.gov. If you have questions or need more information before the meeting, please contact either of the following individuals:

Brendan Rose
Health Policy Analyst
Dept. of Insurance, Securities and Banking
Government of the District of Columbia
Brendan.Rose @ dc.gov


Dorinda White
Office of Public Affairs
Dept. of Health Care Finance
Government of the District of Columbia
dorinda.white @ dc.gov

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