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Photo credit: Julia Vouri, National Park Service |
Peggy Robin Bill Adler
Publishers, Cleveland Park Listserv
Thursday, July 31 at 7 PM, “Public Space 101.” Chris Shaheen of the DC Office of Planning tells everything you need to know about how DC regulates the use of public space. Free. Georgetown Library, 3260 R St NW, http://dclibrary.org/node/43792
Thursday, July 31 from 7 - 9:30 PM, Fort Reno Concert Series, with bands Give and Protect-U. Free. At Fort Reno Park, 40th Chesapeake Sts. opposite Wilson HS, http://www.fortreno.com/#schedule
Friday, August 1 at 11:55 PM, “What is lurking in the park in the dark?” A National Park Service ranger will lead a midnight walking tour of Rock Creek Park, looking for nocturnal predators and other wildlife. Participants will be given night-goggles as we look for gray and red foxes, coyotes, and the elusive coy-wolf hybrid (http://wapo.st/1z4GZhm). The group will also be on the lookout for gray wolves, timber wolves, and escaped zoo animals, such as lions, tigers and bears. While hiking we will also discuss the possibility of werewolves and zombies, as well as zombie-werewolf hybrids. Wear sneakers to walk soundlessly. If you have a permit, you may carry a small side-arm for protection (but please check on the status of the most recent court ruling on open-carry before the tour). Meet at the Nature Center at 5200 Glover Road NW -- and be sure to tell any others who show up that they have fallen for this week’s fake event.
Saturday, August 2 from 12 noon - 4 PM, Library-Con: Anime, Comics, Manga and Beyond. Explore the world of anime/manga, comics, and TV production, with the following activities/events: Star War Family Story Times; Local Comic Book Author Talks; Movies Based on Anime/Comic Books; Crafts; Cosplay Contest; Trading Card Game Tournaments; And Much More. Free. At the Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW, http://dclibrary.org/node/43121.
Saturday, August 2 from 11 AM - 5 PM, The DC Meet Market, with food, live music, crafts, plus 48 vendors selling baby products, artwork, clothing, home decor, more. Free. In the parking lot at 1514 15th Street NW (at P St NW) in the heart of Logan Circle, https://www.facebook.com/DCMeetMarket
Saturday, August 2 at 11 AM, “Get Local!” a walking tour of the University of the District of Columbia, including a look at green roof designed to grow fresh, healthy foods; green roof and cistern catchment system designed to capture, treat, and reuse stormwater runoff; a Garden of the Senses as well as the school’s world-class Water Research and Testing Lab. Meet in front of the Van Ness/UDC Metro. Tickets $15 available at www.washingtonwalks.com/tours/sustainable-udc/
Sunday, August 3 from 12 noon - 6 PM, 5th Annual Africa Festival, featuring locally and nationally acclaimed live music and dance performances, a parade of African flags ceremony, a Children's Village with fun games and activities for kids of all ages, an African Culture Hut with enticing experiences of African cultures, contemporary designs and traditional African attires, and arts, crafts, and food vendors highlighting the best of Africa in DC. Location: Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center - Woodrow Wilson Plaza (Metro: Federal Triangle). Free but rsvp required - click here to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/5th-annual-dc-africa-festival-tickets-12107482807
Monday, August 4 from 7 - 9 PM, “Roads to Diversity,” an evening hike along the Adams-Morgan Heritage Trail, hosted by the DC Department of Parks and Recreation. Free. Meet at the Kalorama Recreation Center, 1875 Columbia Road NW.
Tuesday, August 5 at 7 PM, “The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside ‘The Room,’ The Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made,” by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell -- book discussion by the Chevy Chase Library Book Club. The hilarious and inspiring true story of how a mysterious misfit got past every roadblock in the Hollywood system to achieve success on his own terms: a $6 million cinematic catastrophe called The Room. Free and open to all. At Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Avenue NW, http://dclibrary.org/node/43592
Tuesday, August 5 at 7 PM, “The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside ‘The Room,’ The Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made,” by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell -- book discussion by the Chevy Chase Library Book Club. The hilarious and inspiring true story of how a mysterious misfit got past every roadblock in the Hollywood system to achieve success on his own terms: a $6 million cinematic catastrophe called The Room. Free and open to all. At Chevy Chase Library, 5625 Connecticut Avenue NW, http://dclibrary.org/node/43592
Wednesday, August 6 at 8 PM, “Whitey: United States of America v. James J. Bulger,” a film by Joe Berlinger about Boston’s most notorious gangster and how he managed to get away with the most infamous crimes for years. At the Avalon Theater, 5612 Connecticut Avenue NW. Tickets $8.50 - $11.50 at http://www.theavalon.org/movies/whitey/ or at the box office.
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