Peggy Robin and Bill Adler
Publishers, Cleveland Park Listserv
Thursday, February 19, 6:30 PM, Bolling v. Sharpe: 60th Anniversary Panel Discussion. Join us for a moderated panel discussion on the 1954 Supreme Court decision Bolling v. Sharpe and its legacy 60 years later on the DC public school system. For some quick background on this landmark civil rights case about equal access to quality education, see http://www.civilrights.org/education/brown/bolling.html. Free. At the Cleveland Park Library, corner of Connecticut and Macomb Street, http://dclibrary.org/node/46650
Friday, February 20 at 10 AM, Buds Story Time at Casey Trees Hill Center. Buds is a tree-focused story time aimed toward an audience of toddlers and preschoolers (2 - 4 years). The story time will feature 3 - 4 tree and environment focused books interspersed with songs and a craft project. Each family will leave with a list of seasonally appropriate “scavenger hunt items” to track down while exploring the Hill Center on their own after the Buds program has concluded. Instructors: Priscilla Plumb, Youth Programs Manager, Casey Trees, ISA Certified Arborist. Buds will be held in the Art room of the Hill Center, 921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, 2 blocks east of the Eastern Market Metro. Free but registration required: http://bit.ly/1EXsKMn
Saturday, February 21 at 10 AM. The Rhodes Tavern Troubadours perform toe-tapping, award-winning, original roots rock for the whole family, including “Snack Time” and “Turn it Up, Mommy.” At the Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave. NW. Tickets $7 - $9 at http://www.theavalon.org/films/rtts/.
Saturday, February 21 at 12:30 PM. Carillon Recital Carillonneur Edward Nassor performs Preludio No. 7 in G major by Flemish composer Mathias van den Gheyn. At Washington National Cathedral, Wisconsin & Massachusetts Avenues, best heard from the Bishop’s Garden area. Free.
Saturday, February 21 at 6 PM, Washington Is For Wusses - A Talk and Hands-on Demonstration on the Real Way to Deal With Snow, presented by Boston snow removal contractor Bob Parker (pronounced Pahka). Mr. Parker has flown in from Boston to coach DC-area homeowners on the right way to shovel a walk, clean off a car, use a snowblower, break off icicles from gutters, or apply salt -- all done with endless sarcasm directed at the usual level of panic Washingtonians habitually exhibit in the face of laughably small levels of snowfall. Please note: This talk will be cancelled in the event of 2 or more inches of snow. For more information on Boston’s take on snowfall in Washington, see http://wapo.st/1G8gkCI. To check on the time and place of this event, and whether or not it’s still on in if Saturday’s snow sprinkles arrive as expected, see http://bit.ly/cpfakeevent
Sunday February 22 from 2 - 4 PM, Chinese New Year Parade, featuring the traditional Chinese Dragon Dance, Kung Fu demonstrations, live music, and much more. Take Metro to Gallery Place/Chinatown. Parade goes along H and 7th Streets, http://bit.ly/1LeJ2Tq
Monday, February 23 at 12:30 PM, Smart Growth: Off the Rails. A discussion of the pros and cons of streetcars, buses and the steps to achieve a mixed-use, walkable, bikeable and transit-oriented community. At the National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448. $10 non-members, free for members. Registration required: http://bit.ly/1806d7L
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