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We wanted to share some events and activities that list members might be interested in. Have a great weekend -- and week beyond, too. If you know of an event that the 16,900+ members of the Cleveland Park Listserv should know about, email us at events @ fastmail.net.
Peggy Robin and Bill Adler
Publishers, Cleveland Park Listserv
Friday, May 26 starting at 11 AM, Games, Lunch and a Movie, “North By Northwest," starring Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. An assortment of games will be brought out at 11 AM. Lunch is at 12 noon, and the movie starts at 1 PM. If you plan to attend, please reply to guymasonevents @ gmail dot com or call the staff at Guy Mason Recreation Center, 202-727-7527. Guy Mason Recreation Center is at 3600 Calvert Street NW.
Saturday, May 27, 2017, 11:30 AM, Privacy Tools in Action. As Internet Service Providers (ISPs), the largest for-profit engines, applications and social media corporations gain ever greater access to our content and usage of the internet, there have also come into existence creative technologies and best practices that, if put into use, mitigate the view that these organizations have on our internet access. This event will bring together those who like to learn what is going on with the internet and anyone else just curious to look into various technologies built for devices of all sorts that are already available to buttress our digital privacy. To that end, we will have a round-table event, led by Jesse Lambertson, a librarian for an academic institution in Washington, DC, wherein we will delve into those various available technologies, talk about which ones we prefer and install some of them on our devices. Please bring whatever devices you use: laptops, tablets, Chromebooks, phones etc. We will use the library's publicly accessible WiFi to take our digital privacy to the next level. This free workshop is presented by the Friends of the Mt. Pleasant Library, 3160 16th St NW, https://www.dclibrary.org/node/57016
Saturday, May 27 at 1 PM, Peabody Room Presents: “John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Who Never Combed Gray Hair, Has His 100th Birthday.” Jamie Stiehm, a Creators Syndicate columnist and contributor to USNEWS.com, discusses how Kennedy hailed from the elite, yet had the common touch. At the Georgetown Neighborhood Library, 3260 R St NW, www.dclibrary.org/node/56944
Saturday, May 27 from 2 - 6 PM, The 5th Annual Takoma Porch Music Festival features 50+ performers / 20+ porches/businesses in Old Town Takoma Park. Info about performers at https://www.takomaporch.net/porches-and-bands and map to porches at http://bit.ly/2qh43xV . More info at https://www.facebook.com/Takoma-Porch-463028943707939/ .
Saturday May 27 at 6:30 PM, Jazz@Wesley. Wesley Church presents the warm and wonderful vocal offerings of The Tiya Ade Ensemble this month as Washington moves from spring to summer. Local songbird and songwriter and arranger, Tiya! combines her talents with Alex Jenkins on piano, Emory Diggs on bass, Percy Smith playing drums, and Ben Sands on Saxophone. Resident vocalist at the Channel Inn Hotel for 16 years and lead vocalist with Bobby Felder's Blue Notes Big Band for 10 years. Sweet and savory items and soft drinks available for purchase; complimentary coffee and tea. Tickets: $10 entry; $7 Seniors; 12 years and under, free. Wesley United Methodist Church is at 5312 Connecticut Avenue NW, at Jenifer and Connecticut - enter through glass doors on Connecticut. More info: http://wesleydc.org/?page_id=52
Sunday, May 28 at 1 PM, Animals of the Night Sky. A Park ranger will talk about animal constellations and tell star stories about animals, and discuss how animals use the night to migrate, survive, and thrive. Ages 5 and older. Free. At the Planetarium at the Nature Center in Rock Creek Park, 5200 Glover Road NW, http://bit.ly/2s0LtGR
Monday, May 29 from 10 AM - 1:30 PM, Memorial Day Tours and Wreath-Laying Ceremony at President Lincoln’s Cottage and Soldier’s Home National Cemetery. The wreath-laying ceremony is at 10 AM. Free. Meet at the bandstand adjacent to Cottage at 9:30 AM. The cemetery tours are at 10:45 AM and 12:30 PM. Free. Meet at the bandstand adjacent to the Cottage at 10:15 AM and 12 PM. Tours last approximately 30-45 minutes. To reserve a spot on the Cemetery tour, go to http://bit.ly/2qhAYm8. Tours of President Lincoln’s Cottage are $5 - $15 and can be reserved at http://www.lincolncottage.org/tickets/. Entrance is at 140 Rock Creek Church Road NW.
Monday, May 29 at 7:30 PM, JFK Centennial at the Kennedy Center. The Opera House at the Kennedy Center plays host to the grand finale of a week-long celebration of the life of our 35th president, held on the actual day of JFK’s 100th birthday. The large-scale show will be studded with stars and will honor the ideals of President. Free admission. The Kennedy Center is at 2700 F Street NW, https://washington.org/event/jfk-centennial-celebration
Tuesday, May 30 from 10 - 11:30 AM, America’s Military and Its Veterans, a lecture by Phillip Carter. America’s military provides for our common defense and plays a significant role in our society. However, for more than 40 years, this military has comprised volunteers who represent an increasingly narrow and insular slice of America. Has it always been this way? Who serves when not all serve? What are the consequences of this civil-military divide for the military, for veterans, and for society? Phillip Carter is a former Army officer and Iraq veteran who leads the Military, Veterans and Society research program at the Center for a New American Security in Washington, DC. He also teaches law as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, and practices as of counsel with the law firm Fluet Huber + Hoang PLLC. This lecture is part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute series of free programs at American University (in the AU Spring Valley Building at 4801 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Room A-101). Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/olli-lecture-phillip-carter-tickets-34252141076
Tuesday, May 30 at 12 noon, Open Air Concert with the Washington International School Jazz Band at Guy Mason Recreation Center. Pack a picnic lunch, bring the kids and come for an exciting outdoor jazz concert, presented by the highly acclaimed jazz band of Washington International School. Join in on the fun as the adults clap and the playground kids dance to the music that reverberates throughout the Guy Mason grounds, at 3600 Calvert St. NW. Free - all are welcome. No rain date.
Tuesday, May 30 at 8:30 PM, Adams Morgan Movie Night, showing “Snowden.” Written and directed by Oliver Stone, Snowden is based on the true story of Edward Snowden, famous (or infamous) for exposing the NSA's secret surveillance techniques and then becoming an international fugitive. Part of Snowden was filmed here in Adams Morgan. Kids are welcome, but please no pets or alcohol. Movies will be shown on the soccer field at Walter Pierce Park (Adams Mill Road north of Calvert St NW). Please check the Facebook page at http://bit.ly/2rVjYzd for cancellation information in the event of bad weather.
Wednesday, May 31 from 6:30 - 8 PM, “When the Volcano Stirs,” a lecture by Dr. Diana Roman, Staff Scientist, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Science. Volcanic eruptions pose an increasing threat to human lives and infrastructure in today's rapidly globalizing world, leading to a need for more-sensitive and accurate tools for detecting and interpreting signs of volcanic unrest. Fortunately, most volcanoes give subtle indications of their future eruptive potential that can be detected using state-of-the-art seismic instrumentation. Dr. Roman will explore the recent development of several new paradigms for eruption forecasting and their implications for our understanding of how volcanoes work. Free. At the Carnegie Institution for Science, 1530 P Street NW, https://carnegiescience.edu/events/lectures/when-volcano-stirs
Thursday, June 1 from 10 - 11:30 AM, The Humane Economy: How Innovators and Enlightened Consumers Are Transforming the Lives of Animals, a lecture by Wayne Pacelle. Ringling Brothers has retired its circus elephants. SeaWorld is ending its orca breeding program promising to invest millions in rescuing marine animals. And Walmart is shifting to cage-free eggs. Wayne Pacelle has been at the forefront of this humane revolution. In his new book, The Humane Economy: How Innovators and Enlightened Consumers Are Transforming the Lives of Animals, Pacelle outlines a hopeful vision as he sees the corporate world becoming more sensitive to public opinion about cruel and harmful treatment of animals. Business models grounded on animal exploitation, Pacelle argues, are ripe for disruption and consumers are driving the burgeoning growth of the “humane economy.” Wayne Pacelle took office as the president and chief executive officer of the Humane Society of the United States in 2004, after serving nearly ten years as the organization’s chief lobbyist and spokesperson This lecture is part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute series of free programs at American University (in the AU Spring Valley Building at 4801 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Room A-101) Free. Register at: http://bit.ly/2qoijQH
Thursday, June 1 at 12 noon, “Call It Summer!” Why wait for the summer solstice? Wouldn't it be better to have the calendar divided neatly into 3-month seasons, with each one starting on the first of the month? That would make June 1 the first day of summer. If this sounds reasonable to you, then rally with others to push for national recognition of June 1 as the official first day of summer. That's the way it is in what the English call the "meteorological calendar," but in the US, all the calendar makers follow the “astronomical calendar," which puts the first day of summer on June 21, the summer solstice. By then, who knows how many 90-degree days we’ll have had! We will gather outside of NOAA at 1401 Constitution Ave NW to deliver our petition for recognition of June 1. Wear sunglasses and flip-flops and other summery wear, and bring a beach chair if you have one. All who attend will get a free mint julep! (Or maybe not, as this is the weekly fake event!)
Thursday, June 1 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM, Humanitini: The Cuban Presence in DC. In December 2014, President Barack Obama, Jr. announced an historic opening of American relations with Cuba. Cuban ties to the District of Columbia long pre-date that announcement. Let’s explore the Cuban cultural influences on DC – in terms of music, dance, food, and religion – with a panel of Cuban Americans who have lived in the area all of their lives. Free. Register at http://bit.ly/2rE1PZh. At Takoma Busboys and Poets, 235 Carroll St NW.
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