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DC's Annual Funk Parade and Festival |
We wanted to share some events and activities that we thought would be of interest to list members. Have a great weekend -- and week beyond, too. If you know of an event that the 18,200+ members of the Cleveland Park Listserv should know about, please email us at events @ fastmail dot net.
Peggy Robin and Bill Adler
Publishers, Cleveland Park Listserv
Friday, May 10 at 7:30 - 9:30 AM, The Book Bike: WABA Trail Ranger Coffee Hour. Library on the Go-Go will join Washington Area Bicycle Association for the Friday Trail Ranger Coffee Hour this month on the Metropolitan Branch Trail. Check out or return library materials, learn about our GoDigital Resources and chat with staff about the library's Facilities Master Plan (available at: https://www.dclibrary.org/dclibraryfuture). Free coffee provided by Qualia Coffee. Come and say hi on your ride to work, school or play! Meet at 4th and S St. NE on the Metropolitan Branch Trail. More info at https://www.dclibrary.org/node/61843.
Friday, May 10 at 8 PM, Concert: NYU in Washington, DC - One World Suite with Saxophonist Tom Scott & Combo Nuvo Band. NYU DC and the John Brademas Center of New York University will co-host One World Suite, plus the music of legendary saxophonist Tom Scott and Combo Nuvo, which will include bassist Mike Richmond, guitarist Brad Shepik and oboist Mary Gatchell. This evening's performance will also include opportunities for audience participation. Prior to the concert, starting at 6 PM, Dave Schroeder will host a harmonica workshop and provide those in attendance with free harmonicas to use later on for the audience participation portion of the event. Tickets are $10, and include the harmonica workshop and a reception. For tickets and more information, visit: http://bit.ly/2Vkv82Q. Cleveland Park Listserv members can reserve FREE tickets at this link: https://events.nyu.edu/#!view/event/event_id/235976. At the Abramson Family Auditorium, 1307 L Street NW. Questions? Contact Polly Terzian, Polly.terzian @ nyu dot edu
Saturday, May 11 from 10 AM - 1 PM, Acton Children's Business Fair. Please join us for the 4th annual Acton Children's Business Fair of Washington, DC, featuring 100+ young entrepreneurs selling original board games, origami pandas, fairy lights, handmade cards, milk carton piggy banks, and more. Free and fun for the whole family. Outside 3400 Connecticut Ave. NW. More info: http://dcchildrensbusinessfair.org/business-fair
Saturday, May 11 from 10 AM - 1 PM, Acton Children's Business Fair. Please join us for the 4th annual Acton Children's Business Fair of Washington, DC, featuring 100+ young entrepreneurs selling original board games, origami pandas, fairy lights, handmade cards, milk carton piggy banks, and more. Free and fun for the whole family. Outside 3400 Connecticut Ave. NW. More info: http://dcchildrensbusinessfair.org/business-fair
Saturday, May 11 from 10 AM - 3 PM, Day of the Dog at Congressional Cemetery - annual festival in celebration of man's best friend! On this day, the cemetery is open to all dogs, not just K-9 Corps members. Events include: "Where the Bones are Buried" Tour, offered at 10:30 AM and 12:30 PM; The 2nd Annual Wiener Waddle (11 AM), inviting all dachshunds to traverse a necessarily short course with fellow short-legged souls - pre-registration - http://bit.ly/2V99bPp - for participants is appreciated but not required (and all are welcome to spectate!); “Cemetery Doga” at 12 Noon, a free, one-hour yoga class (bring your mat and your dog); and a raffle at 2 PM. Free admission. Congressional Cemetery is at 1801 E Street, SE. For complete schedule and registration links to all events, go to: https://hccemetery.wixsite.com/dayofthedog/day-of-the-dog-2018
Saturday May 11 from 10 AM - 4 PM, European Union Open House Day. The Delegation of the European Union to the United States and the Embassies of 28 EU Member States to the United States will open their doors to the Washington public during the EU Embassies’ Open House Day, offering the public a rare look inside the buildings. The day will provide a unique opportunity to experience the country’s cultural heritage and national traditions. More info on participating countries: https://events.euintheus.org/landing_page/euopenhouse/. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to view a 3-minute video preview of this event. Free - no reservations. Brochure PDF with walking map available here: http://bit.ly/2PQI2iV .
Saturday, May 11 from 10 - 10:15 AM, Eurexit Open House Preview Tour. If you are planning to go to European Union Open House Day (see above), you may notice that the UK is still participating (see http://bit.ly/2VN9WC3 for details) - but this could be its swan song if Brexit comes to pass! Have you been wondering what would happen to the annual European Union Open House Day if Brexit is followed by the 27 other countries of the EU opting out, one by one? (Grexit, Hungrexit, Portugexit, Polexit, Finlexit….you get the picture.) Once the dominoes start falling (or could it be that they are in fact being pushed by some weird combination of Russian plus far-right/far left trolls working different angles?), the EU might end with nobody home! You can see what that would look like on this first-ever Eurexit Open House Preview Tour. We will gather at 10 AM in front of the European Union Delegation office at 2175 K Street NW, and then will mill about aimlessly for 15 minutes, before realizing there's nowhere to go, so we disband; that's what would happen if the European Union fell apart -- although the lack of an EU Open House Day would be the very least of our problems. But you won’t have to worry about this (well, not this year!) - because this is the Weekly Fake Event: http://bit.ly/cpfakeevent
Saturday, May 11 from 1 PM to Midnight, DC Funk Festival, Parade and Music Showcase - a one-of-a-kind fair, parade and music festival, celebrating Washington DC's vibrant music and arts, dance and culture, taking place along the historic U Street Corridor. The festival is made up of the mighty Funk Parade itself that winds through the neighborhood, with outdoor stages hosting over 50 performers throughout the day. Funk Parade is a celebration for everyone: all ages, races, cultural backgrounds, sexual identities and walks of life. Funk is the subatomic particle of love that makes you want to move and enjoy the company of all humans. Festival Stages throughout the U St Corridor from 10th to 14th St!. Funk Parade is also mostly free and affordable to all. Schedule: Festival from 1-7 PM; Parade starts at 5 PM; Night Music Fest from 7 PM to Midnight. The featured showcase ($10 wristband gives access to 15 venues) begins at 8 PM. Details available at this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/official-funk-parade-2019-tickets-59856907622. Night Fest venues age restrictions are 18 or 21 and up, depending on venue policy.
Saturday May 11 at 1 PM, Greetings from Hometown Washington, DC - Vintage Postcards from the Washingtoniana Collection. Jerry A. McCoy, special collections librarian at the DC Public Library’s Peabody Room and Washingtoniana, shares unusual vintage postcards of Washington, DC and the stories behind the local sites they depict. Free. At Georgetown Library,
3260 R St. NW, https://www.dclibrary.org/node/63740
Saturday May 11 at 2 PM, Chinese Calligraphy for Mother's Day! Join us and learn how to write beautiful Chinese calligraphy on a special card for your mom. A certified Mandarin instructor will be teaching our young patrons about special Chinese characters related to Mother's Day and also creating gifts. Free. Ages 5 to 12.At Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW, https://www.dclibrary.org/node/63988
Saturday, May 11 at 7 PM, Bob Levey at the Chevy Chase Library (Maryland). Retired Washington Post reporter Bob Levey will give a talk about his experience at The Post for 37 years as well as his new novel, "Larry Felder, Candidate". Free, but registration required in advance at http://bit.ly/2LFd52G. The Chevy Chase Library is located at 8005 Connecticut Avenue in Chevy Chase, MD.
Saturday, May 11 from 10 AM - 6 PM and Sunday, May 12 from 10 AM - 5 PM, Bethesda Fine Arts Festival, featuring 130+ booths of contemporary fine arts and fine craft, jewelry and furniture, along with live music and food from Bethesda’s finest restaurants.Located in Bethesda's Woodmont Triangle, along Norfolk, Auburn and Del Ray Avenues. Admission to the festival is free and free parking is available in the public parking garage on Auburn Avenue. This event is held rain or shine. More info: https://www.bethesda.org/arts/artsfestival.htm
Sunday, May 13 at 8 AM, The 5th Annual Tricia Davis 5k Mother’s Day Walk/Run for Sinai House.You'll be home in time to take Mom out for brunch, but you can also nosh on Bullfrog Bagels after the race. The race starts at Picnic Grove #24 in Rock Creek Park. There is ample, free parking at Carter Barron Parking Lot. Enter from Colorado Avenue off 16th Street. Strollers and dogs on non-extendible 3ft leashes are welcome, but line up toward the back at the start of the race. There will be a bag drop, a 1-mile Fun Run and an award ceremony following the race. Please register at https://runsignup.com/Race/DC/Washington/sinaihousedc5K. This event raises money for Sinai House, which makes it possible for families to move from homelessness to independence by providing safe and affordable housing, comprehensive social services and financial support.
Monday, May 13 at 7 PM, Author Talk: "Washington DC Jazz." This talk by Dr. Sandra Butler-Truesdale will focus on the history of straight-ahead jazz, using oral histories, materials from the William P. Gottlieb Collection at the Library of Congress, the Felix E. Grant Jazz Archives at the University of the District of Columbia, and Smithsonian Jazz. Dr. Sandra Butler-Truesdale has been involved in music for more than 40 years as a DC Historian and Music Historian. She is Principal/Curator of the Emma Mae Gallery in Washington DC, founding member of the DC Historic Music Association and founder of the DC Legendary Musicians, Inc. Dr. Butler-Truesdale has worked for several musicians, among them the late Ray Charles and James Brown, and she is the Co-Host of Don't Forget the Blues Show on WPFW FM radio. Free and open to the public. At the Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW, https://www.dclibrary.org/node/63277
Tuesday May 14 at 6:30 PM, Tudor Place Landmark Lecture: The Peter Family and the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893, presented by Grant Quertermous, Curator, Tudor Place Historic House & Garden. In August of 1893, Britannia W. Kennon, the 78-year-old owner of Tudor Place, traveled by train from Washington to Chicago to experience the World’s Columbian Exposition, also known as the White City because of the gleaming white facades of the fair’s neoclassical buildings. Accompanied by two of her grandchildren, Britannia spent a week at the fair exploring the exhibition buildings and even appearing as a guest of honor at the Virginia Building—an exact replica of Mount Vernon—since she was the only living great-grandchild of Martha Washington. Curator Grant Quertermous will discuss the family’s experiences during the trip as well as the significance of the Columbian Exposition to American history and culture. Admission is free/pay what you can, with donations welcome. Doors open at 6, lecture begins at 6:30 PM. Tudor Place is at 1644 31st Street NW. Register: http://bit.ly/2VoovfH
Wednesday May 15 at 1:30 PM, American Art History 1900 - 1950, presented by Lois Steinitz and Donna McKee from the Phillips Collection. American art, from the time of the founding of the republic, was derivative of the art of Europeans. Towards the end of the 19th century the Newtonian world was replaced by the relativity of Einstein (and Planck) and the art world responded with radical new forms and approaches. Some American artists tentatively began adopting these new forms, while others employed traditional realistic styles to comment on American life. Modernism and Realism both ran through the history of American art through the first half of the 20th century, ending with the art world explosive innovation around 1950 of Abstract Expressionism and the development of an international Modernist movement centered in New York City. Some of the movements and artists covered in this course will be the Eight and the Ashcan School, Alfred Steiglitz and Georgia O'Keeffe and the Steiglitz Circle; Edward Hopper and the realist artists, Stuart Davis and abstract art, the Social Realists and Abstract Expressionism. This course began in November 2018 and 4 sessions were completed; the next 5 sessions will continue on Wednesdays in May. No prior attendance or registration needed to attend this or any of the subsequent session. Free. At the Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW, https://www.dclibrary.org/node/63733
Wednesday May 15 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM, Mapping Segregation in Washington, DC: Restrictive Covenants, Racial Steering, and the Fight for Fair Housing. Join Mara Cherkasky and Sarah Shoenfeld of Prologue DC to explore the long history of displacement, race and real estate in DC. The legal segregation of housing, schools and public space led to disinvestment and white flight in the 1950s and 60s. Learn about the demands of black homeseekers, civil rights attorneys and fair housing advocates, and the legacy of their efforts. This program is part of the People's University seminar series. Register at http://bit.ly/2DY30HZ. Free. At the Woodridge Neighborhood Library, 1801 Hamlin Street NE. More info: https://www.dclibrary.org/node/63929
Thursday, May 16 from 1-2 PM, Lecture: The Shocking Impacts of Climate Change in DC. Chronic flooding on a daily basis around the tidal basin as a result of rising sea levels is putting the iconic cherry blossoms at risk and requiring new infrastructure and sea walls. This is only one sign of fundamental changes under way in the city and suburbs. Old species no longer flourish, new invasives move in. Beaches disappear, Chesapeake Islands are threatened. What can we do? Turns out: A lot. Mike Tidwell is founder and director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness about global warming in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington.Tidwell has been featured on NBC’s Meet the Press, NPR, as well as in The New York Times, The Baltimore Sun, Politico, and The Washington Post. Free, presented by The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at American University. Reservations required - go to http://bit.ly/2VnqaCx. The lecture hall holds 105 people. Your name must be on the list of registrants in order to enter the lecture and you must be in your seat five minutes before the lecture starts to guarantee your seat. In the Spring Valley Building of American University, Room A, 4801 Massachusetts Avenue NW.
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