by Peggy Robin
It's that time of year! The wrap-up/round-up of the best of the year that was. While you may not think of the Cleveland Park Listserv as a medium on par with books, movies, TV shows, theater, or podcasts.....we do! And this year, we are not only are we giving out Listies -- our annual awards for the best CP Listserv posts of the year -- but we are also giving out actual trophies! Sure, they're cheap, teeny, plastic replicas of full-size awards, but we love them. And we think you will too.
Now the winners will have something to display on their mantels. Or maybe stow in a junk drawer.
Hey, they're plastic, so they can probably be recycled.
Hey, they're plastic, so they can probably be recycled.
Who will get them? That depends, at least in part, on YOU! That is, we're taking nominations. If you recall a great listserv post you think deserves recognition, let us know! Send us an email - clevelandparklistservmoderator @ gmail dot com - with the subject line, date, and/or message number, and tell us and what you love about this post, and we'll take it under advisement. Don't forget, it's fine to self-nominate! The nominating process is confidential, so no worries that you'll be outed for tooting your own horn.
- Best Animal Story
- Best Query or ISO
- Most Helpful Advice or Recommendation
- Best Long Discussion Thread on a Topic of Substance (to qualify, the discussion must go on for at least 6 messages from at least 4 different posters)
- Photo of the Year
- Best Poster -- new category! This Listy will go to the list member who has consistently posted messages that are well-written, engaging, informative, and/or memorable.
- ...and as always, our Grand Finale: Post of the Year
Don't know how to look up your favorite post(s) in the Listserv archives? You can find the instructions here;
Never heard of the Cleveland Park Listies? You can read about last year's Listies on our affiliated blog, All Life Is Local:
The Nominations 2021:
...And the Winners Are:
Still Life with Robin is published on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays.
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