Saturday, October 7, 2023

Still Life with Robin: Best Comedy Wildlife Photos of 2023

2023 Funniest Wildlife Photos
by Peggy Robin

w​anted to come up with a way to i​ntroduce this column so that there was a connection to life in C​leveland Park (that’s my raison d’etre)….but I’ve given up. T​here just isnlt a thing in this collection of funny wildlife s​hots that relates to life in this particular neighborhood or even in the greater Washington metropolitan area​. Well, maybe there's one: It's #17, the last one in the slide show, with what looks like a commonplace local traffic scenario, oceanic-style: four lanes traffic [of fish] coming to a complete stop, yielding the right-of-way to the much larger, cross-traffic [shark]. Well, to make it more like a typical Washington traffic scene, one of those fish would be unwilling to wait, and it would be trying to scoot around the shark with the right-of-way.     

NOTE: The link should go to the non-subscribers’ (shareable) version, but if you have an ad-blocker, you will need to turn it off.

​Be sure to scroll down the page to the end, to see more photos that are not in the slide show.

The winning photos for 2023 are also featured on the Comedy Wildlife Photo website at​ 


Still Life with Robin is posted on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays. 

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