Saturday, March 2, 2024

Still Life with Robin: It's National Old Stuff Day!

by Peggy Robin

Hmm, I'm usually a fan of all those silly, offbeat, little "holidays" -- you know, like National Waffle Day (August 24) and Lost Sock Day (May 9) and Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sept 19) -- but today's "fun" holiday, National Old Stuff Day, seems, well, just a tad condescending to those of us over the age, er, mumble, mumble [unintelligible].
We and our "stuff" deserve respect!

What do we get instead? Something like that eye-rolling "OK Boomer" meme. Yeah, that got old, quick!

While I am not keen on today's "holiday," I was impressed by the composition posted in praise of this day that I found in my Twitter feed [*see Note 1] this morning, by one of my favorite posters, David Cohen @dc_scrabblegram.

Dave posts a daily wordplay /poem called a Scrabblegram [*explained in Note 2].

Here's his lovely composition for today, National Old Stuff Day

Dave's Scrabblegrams @dc_scrabblegram
[*Uses all 100 Scrabble tiles.]

Grandfather Clock 👴🕰️

March 2nd is National Old Stuff Day (really). With my 6th decade just around the corner, I'm starting to identify with vintage items like grandfather clocks.

More of Dave's Scrabblegrams on his website at and in his recently published book by Penteract Press (in the UK, but shipping to the US is fast and relatively inexpensive.)
* Note 1: I'm sticking to my sworn oath never to cave in and call by the brand "X" name thrust upon it by its current, unhinged, Gen X owner.

*Note 2: A Scrabblegram is a message (a kind of freestyle poem, really) that uses each of the 100 Scrabble tiles exactly once. This means that each entry will contain exactly 9 As, 2 Bs, 2 Cs...1 X, 2 Ys, 1 Z (and 2 blanks which can be used as any letters).

Still Life with Robin is published on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays. 

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