Saturday, March 22, 2025

Still Life with Robin: That pesky photo display problem.....SOLVED!

by Peggy Robin

If you've ever tried to sell multiple items on the Cleveland Park Listserv, and you put some time into taking nicely-lit, well-composed, high resolution photos to include with each of your items for sale, you have probably received my standard message rejection form letter with the X-mark on the posting problem, as shown below:

Dear List Member,

Sorry, but your message can't be posted on the Cleveland Park Listserv for the reasons checked below. Please read the ENTIRE message carefully, as well as the X-marked item(s), as this helps list members to understand how to write messages that are more likely to be posted on this neighbor-to-neighbor discussion group. Please also keep in mind that the CP Listserv has over 12,400 members and receives on average twice as many submissions per day as are published.

__ Your message wasn't signed according to the list's requirements. All messages need to be signed at the END with a full name (preferred) or, at a minimum, a first name. We won’t post anonymous messages, or messages signed with aliases, screen names, or initials. We'd like all messages to show a name at the end to give list members a sense of who’s talking when they read a post – that helps to maintain a neighborly spirit on the listserv. 

__  Your message is a crosspost, copy, reprint, or forward of a message from another poster. We accept only messages written by you, just for your neighbors on this listserv. We don't accept reprints of articles that have appeared elsewhere, blocks of text copied from websites, messages sent around to multiple listservs, or posts on behalf of non-list-members (with exceptions made by the moderators in urgent circumstances).  

_X_  Your photos are incompatible with the image display settings for this listserv. The CP Listserv can successfully handle 3 or 4 photos in .JPG format ONLY, as long as the total size of the photos is under .5 MB (under 500 kb). [NOTE: Your photos are in ___ format and __kb.] There are a few ways to solve this problem: 1. You can downsize your photos/reformat them to stay within the limits; 2. You could omit any images from your message and upload your photos to a file-sharing site (Google Drive, iCloud, DropBox, et. al.) and put a link to the photos on the site, set to "public sharing"; or 3. You could go with the simplest solution -- just add a line to your message that says, “Email to see photos if interested.”

__ The message is a “posting for a friend.” There are 3 reasons why posting for a friend is discouraged on the listserv. First, it’s not in keeping with the direct, neighbor-to-neighbor character of the listserv; second, we’ve learned from past experience that miscommunication is a common problem in secondhand posts; and third, if anyone can post a query by simply asking a list member to send it in for them, the daily message volume on this busy listserv would be much greater than it already is. Your friend is welcome to join the listserv (there’s no requirement to live here) and post this query directly, and can find information about how to do so on our Frequently Asked Questions page at  Please note: We make exceptions to this policy if the person is unable to post due to illness, disability, or lack of access to email.

__ The question you're asking can be answered by searching the message archives. To search all the messages in the listserv’s history, start at and click on “Messages” on the left-hand sidebar. Then look for the blank search button with a little magnifying glass icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Type a search word in the box and click on the magnifying glass. If searching for more than one word, put the words inside quotation marks. If you pull up too many results, use the “tools” button (at the top of the column of results) to bring up some tools to limit your search – for example, change “any time” to “past year” or put in a particular time frame. You can find more information about doing an archives search at:

__ The message goes against some part of our advertising policy; all the requirements for free ads can be found on the list’s advertising checklist. Please note that the Cleveland Park Listserv is an advertiser-supported publication, and we now publish only two types of ads for free: 1.  Messages selling personal items valued under $1000, submitted by list members who live within zip codes 20008, 20016, 20007 or 20015; and 2. “Nanny/housecleaner available” ads sent in by the person seeking employment or sent in by a current employer on behalf of a nanny or housecleaner. All other types of ads must be purchased. If you are sellin program to post your ad. For business ads or any type of property adg things over $1000 and/or you live out of boundary, you can join our Premium Memberships (houses or apartments for sale or for rent), you can pay for your ad through our Main Advertising Page. For ads about ticketed events, out-of-area or off-topic events and other promotion of non-business events, the cost is half the price of a business ad – just $25 for a single post to advertise to our audience of 12,400+ readers – available here:  Your sponsorship is what helps keep the listserv alive!

__  The message is a recommendation that goes against some part of our recommendations policy. For information about how to write a recommendation for the CP Listserv, please visit our recommendations policy page

__ Other: 

For some useful information about how the Cleveland Park Email List works and how to improve the chances that your message will be published, please visit our FAQ at  Sorry, also, to respond with a form letter, but because the Cleveland Park List is such a busy place in cyberspace, the form letter enables us to both moderate the list and have time to do things like eat and sleep. 

Best wishes,



Peggy Robin

Cleveland Park Listserv Moderator / List Owner

Home Page: 

CP Info Pages: 


List Sponsorship FAQ: 

Recommendations Policies:  

Search the archives: 


I send out this checklist to would-be posters as often as a dozen times a day. 

When I send it out with the "incompatible images" box checked (as shown above), I know I'll likely need to follow up with more detailed explanations of ways to get around the Listserv's 0.5 MB/500 kb maximum/.jpg only rule. Too many people don't know how to discover the format of their photos, or find out how big they are in kb or MB -- much less convert them to another format and downsize them. As for opening a Dropbox account, creating an album, setting it to public sharing, and putting the link to the album in their for-sale message....fuggedabout! (as my Brooklyn-born uncle used to say (usually with an exaggerated accent for maximum negative impact). 

I have long wished I had a way to make it easier to show photos on the Cleveland Park Listserv. Or at least a faster way for me to tell people how to get around the size and format limits to show their photos.

Just today (after 25+ years of moderating this Listserv), I came up with a workable solution. I think it's something that anyone with just a few not-so-advanced computer skills will be able to do. Well, you do need to know how to upload a photo to a site. That site is the PHOTOS section of the Listserv at this link: 

You will not need to create an account on a photo-sharing site to do so. This is something that will work for any registered member of Not sure if you are registered? Do you have a password to go along with your email subscription on the Listserv? If you do, you are a registerd member of, as well as a subscriber to the Listserv. If you don't have a password, or you had one but you no longer remember it, you will find the instructruction to register with a new password to give you access to the PHOTOS section of the Listserv on our FAQ page -- see Question #10: How do I register with to take advantage of the web features of the Cleveland Park Listserv's site at

OK, so now let's go through the steps to upload your photos. (This is assuming you have already jumped over the password hurdle. If you did not encounter the password challenge box and you have still arrived at the PHOTOS section, then your computer must have logged you in automatically, (Your computer often knows more about you than you do yourself!)

  1. Go to the home page at
  2. Click on Photos in the left-hand column of site links
  3. Open the album FOR SALE PHOTOS -- or you can skip steps 1 and 2 and just click on this direct link:
  4. Look for the little green button that says +Add Photos and click on it.
  5. You will now see a box with "Drag image here" in it. If you know how to drag & drop, do that with the photo you want to add to the album, then click "Add" to complete the upload. If you don't know how to drag & drop or you'd rather select from photos stored in your own photo storage system, select "Browse" and a box will pop up showing you options for finding your stored photos. Pull up the photo you want to add to the album and click "Add."
  6. Now you will see the image you are adding. There's a box below to add your description of the image. Be sure to provide enough of a description so that people can connect the photo with the item you are selling.
  7. Go back to the main page of the FOR SALE PHOTOS folder. The photo you just added should be the first image shown on the left. Click on it to bring up just that photo.
  8. Now go to the address bar at the top of your screen and copy the URL (web address) of that photo. It's best not to copy the entire line, which ends with some gobbledygook like this:  p=Created%2C%2C%2C20%2C2%2C0%2C0. Just carefully copy up until you see a question mark (?) in the line -- that's all you need to copy to provide people with a link that will go right to your photo. If you do copy the entire line, that could work, too - but it's way more likely to get broken at some point in the email process and may end up not being clickable for your readers.
  9. Paste the link you just copied into the FOR SALE message that you want to send to the Cleveland Park Listserv. 
  10. If selling multiple items, upload a photo of each item to the FOR SALE PHOTOS album.
  11. For each item listed in your FOR SALE message to the group, write a brief description and follow it with the link that allows the reader to click on it and see your uploaded photo of that item. 
  12. When you have all your photos of items for sale accessible by link in the for-sale message you have composed to send to the group, sign it at the end with your name and some indication of your location (your full address is not required but you do need to provide enough to make it clear you live within one of the in-boundary zip codes, 20008, 20016, 20015, or 20007 -- and if you don't, please consult our "For Sale Ads" page for out-of-boundary list members). Now you can  email your for-sale ad to the posting address,, and it will be posted.....and you don't need to worry about those pesky format and size requirements ever again!
(Item Is Not For Sale - This is just an example.)

Intimidated by the 12 steps?  Once you gone through this routine a couple of times -- or maybe even just once -- it will become obvious what you need to do after each step. If you need any help, I recommend asking the nearest available teenager.
Still Life with Robin is posted on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays.

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