Washington tweets. A lot. The Washington Tweets column is a collection of the most interesting, recent Washington-area tweets. These tweets reveal a candid and fascinating portrait of what is on our collective minds: Twitter gives a snapshot of what we're doing, thinking and hoping for. Washington Tweets is Washington in the raw. Bill Adler tweets at @billadler.
Forecast: Big midweek warmth, winter weather by the weekend? http://wapo.st/wMeEId
Hey #ClevelandPark girls, the entire basement of @StArnoldsDC Underground is filled with all guys. #focus #justsaying
Omg, Nigel just told the taxi driver to put the phone down. Rofl. Where is @Uber_DC when you need them?
I would think not being able to sleep at McPherson wouldn't make Occupy D.C. any less effective. You don't do anything while you sleep.
Where the President eats in #DC. Updating the Obama Dining Heat Map, January 2012 http://eater.cc/yRenWK via @Eater_DC
No, @wamu885news, describing Anacostia River cleanup funds as "going down the drain—literally" is not cute.
This is the tweet that @wmata has since removed from its favorites. http://twitpic.com/8cdcbs
Kojo says in past 3 DC elections most corporate contributions went to incumbents in every case. @dcpublictrust @kojoshow #DCethics
Dupont Circle Metro's south entrance to close this week, remain that way for EIGHT MONTHS http://bit.ly/Alpm9x
Post newsroom transitioning to Google Apps; so long Lotus Notes.
Compromise? Mayor and Mary Cheh agree all DC cabs should be red and white
Parade, Firecrackers, Kungfu demonstrations, all to mark the Chinese New Year down here in #DC's #chinatown
I always tell myself I need to go places like Cap City Diner, & then they close. DAMN IT!
Metro board likely to raise fares. Public will be given their say -- http://ow.ly/8IuJM
In DC restaurant waiting for my dinner companion; Valerie Jarrett came in, also Sen. John Kerry. Must be a popular spot!
Good teachers are spread fairly evenly throughout the District despite enormous achievement gaps
I can't believe nobody invited me to their Pro Bowl party this year. Or every other year before.
I think this bus has rolled 10 feet in the last 15 minutes. Gotta love #DC traffic. #ugh
Never mind we can't vote, we still love our DC flag. Some restaurant/bar logo evidence: http://bit.ly/wuF3N7
If you haven't checked out #gracesmandarin @nationalharbor, do! It not only has amazing food, it has the best views! http://exm.nr/zBLZnU
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