It's that time of the month: The Department of Public Works is reminding us that this Saturday at its Fort Totten Facility, you can get rid of your hazardous waste and documents to be shredded. Here are all the details:
DPW's monthly Household Hazardous Waste/E-Cycling/Personal Document Shredding drop-off is Saturday, March 3, between 8 am and 3 pm at the Ft. Totten Transfer Station. You can also find directions to Fort Totten on that web page.
District residents may bring toxic items, such as pesticides, batteries and cleaning fluids to Ft. Totten, along with computers, televisions and other unwanted electronic equipment. Personal document shredding also is available and residents may bring up to five boxes of materials to be shredded. No business or commercial material will be accepted.
To accommodate residents whose religious beliefs prohibit them from using the Saturday drop-off, DPW will accept household hazardous waste and e-cyclables the Thursday before the first Saturday of the month (March 1, from 1 pm to 5 pm). While DPW normally offers personal document shredding the first Saturday, they cannot accept items for shredding on Thursdays because these documents cannot be protected until the shredding contractor arrives the first Saturday.
For a list of all household hazardous waste and e-cyclables accepted by DPW, please click on the HHW link at
To accommodate residents whose religious beliefs prohibit them from using the Saturday drop-off, DPW will accept household hazardous waste and e-cyclables the Thursday before the first Saturday of the month (March 1, from 1 pm to 5 pm). While DPW normally offers personal document shredding the first Saturday, they cannot accept items for shredding on Thursdays because these documents cannot be protected until the shredding contractor arrives the first Saturday.
For a list of all household hazardous waste and e-cyclables accepted by DPW, please click on the HHW link at
You guys don't realise how lucky you are when it comes to the available nature of recycling to the public in the US. In the UK the idea of someone dropping around to collect all different types of trash is unheard of, the only data destruction services offered are through shredding services that visit various private organisations. I'm jealous.