Saturday, July 2, 2016

Still Life with Robin: Seven Two Sixteen

The Continental Congress Original painting by Tompkins Harrison Matteson, 1848.
By Peggy Robin

As we enter the long holiday weekend, there’s a lot to celebrate.

For one thing, Saturday, July 2 is World UFO Day:

Although it’s a day late to celebrate Canada Day, it’s never too late to sing a chorus of “Oh Canada” while gazing at a photo of the dreamy PM, Justin Trudeau

Today’s the day the Continental Congress actually declared independence from Great Britain. If you want to know why the official holiday is on July 4, read this:

On Monday, you can march in an Independence Day Parade - - or just sit back and enjoy it, while contemplating how far the British Empire has fallen since the colonies declared their “Amerexit” in 1776.

And if you would rather laugh about the Brexit than brood about its implications, here’s a handy compilation of Internet Comedic Brexit Memes (or ICBMs for short):

Numerologically speaking, the date 7 2 2016 consists of 7 + 2 which equals 9, which is equal to the digits of the year added together, that is, 2+0+1+6 = 9. How cool is that? (OK, it’s pretty commonplace.) But then consider this: both 9s added together = 18, which in Hebrew is the number that represents Chai (Life) –

So – to July 2 – to Life!

Still Life with Robin is published on the Cleveland Park  Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays.

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