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Peggy Robin and Bill Adler
Publishers, Cleveland Park Listserv
NOTE: This is Part II of our two-part events column. Yesterday we posted the “Get Out!” events list for just two days, Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21, 2019 - with eleven events listed just for those two days! So much to do this coming week that we need two columns to take it all in (without making you scroll endlessly down your email screen)! Now we give you a column made up of twelve events from Sunday, September 22 to Thursday, September 26. Hope you find something fun to do!
Sunday, September 22 from 11 AM - 7 PM, Fiesta DC. With an estimated attendance of 200,000 people, Fiesta DC takes place on four stages showcasing live music bands and international well-known artists, over 50 businesses, restaurants, community organizations, food vendors and more! On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/events/514119979132296/. .Free. Along Pennsylvania Ave NW, from 3rd to 7th St NW.
Sunday, September 22 at 12:30 PM, Community BBQ at Wesley Methodist Church. Stop by for a time of FREE neighborhood fun, food, and surprises! Enjoy food from a variety of countries and cultures, as well as a bounce castle (not necessarily in that order)! There will also be a gun-melting demonstration by artist Stephanie Mercedes as part of National United Methodist Church’s Gun Violence Prevention ministry. The melted gun will be turned into an artwork, which will be permanently installed in our Wesley Campus church building. Free. At the Wesley Campus of National United Methodist Church, 5312 Connecticut Ave NW.
Sunday, September. 22 at 2 PM, Garden Concert Series: Bumper Jacksons Duo. Join us for an afternoon of music in the beautiful garden area beside Northeast Library. Bring a chair, sit back and enjoy the sounds of the Bumper Jacksons Duo. The Bumper Jacksons are hot and sweet, painting America's story from the streets of New Orleans to Appalachian hollers. Unafraid to scrap together new sounds from forgotten 78's, the Bumper Jacksons elegantly balance paying homage to the traditions while fashioning their own unique, playful style. Bursting at the seams with some of the richest threads of old America, Bumper Jacksons bring you into the center of a party where everyone's invited and the dance floor never sleeps. Please note: In the event of inclement weather, concerts are held inside the library. Free. At the Northeast Library, 330 7th St. NE. More info https://www.dclibrary.org/node/64435; for other dates in the Garden Concert Series go to http://bit.ly/2mljRyC .
Sunday, September 22 at 7:30 PM, Concert: A Hebrew Overture. Legendary clarinetist Charles Neidich performs a striking, klezmer-influenced work by Jewish-Argentinian composer Osvaldo Golijov. Shostakovich’s haunting wartime trio and Prokofiev’s infectious sextet fuse Jewish folk music with the unmistakable sound of the 20th-century Russian greats. Program: Prokoviev, Overture on Hebrew Themes; Shostakovich, Piano Trio No. 2 in E minor; Golijov, Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind. Tickets: $10 - 20 at https://chiarina.org/concerts/a-hebrew-overture/. At St. Mark’s Church, 301 A Street SE.
Monday, September 23 at 4:30 PM, Kid's Art Time: Traditional Hispanic Heritage Folk Art - Tree of Life Project. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we will learn about traditional artisans from Mexico, Central America, and South America and their artistic styles! Then, you will have an opportunity to create folk art masterpieces rich in Hispanic heritage. If you like creating art in various mediums and expressing yourself creatively, then join us! Ages 4 and up welcome. Free. At Mt. Pleasant Library, 3160 16th St. NW, entrance on Lamont St. More info on this program and on other traditional Hispanic heritage folk art programs this month at https://www.dclibrary.org/node/64973
Monday, September 23 from 6 - 8:30 PM, Kickoff event for Banned Books Week: Team Rayceen presents Rayceen’s Reading Room, featuring authors, poets, comedians, and more - hosted by Rayceen Pendarvis. This event will take place in the newly renovated Cleveland Park Library, in the community room, directly across from the main entrance on Connecticut Avenue NW. Doors to the community room will open by 6 PM and the program will begin at 7. This event will be live and uncensored. Free and open to the public! More info: http://bit.ly/2kJsLFO
Monday, September 23 from 7 - 9 PM, Magnificent Main Street: Woodley Park’s Beautification Celebration, featuring Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh and Washington, DC Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Planning John Falcicchio. From its naming in 1801, Woodley Park has been home to presidents, the National Zoo, and welcomes over four million visitors annually (roughly 20% of DC's tourist population!). The needs of a modern tourist epicenter with such a celebrated past are great. Help us raise the funds required to meet this challenge - and at the same time, enjoy Lebanese Taverna’s complimentary bar and traditional Lebanese delicacies. Be the first to see beautification proposals for the neighborhood's commercial corridor and give your input. Learn what WP residents have to say about their neighborhood, its future, and offer your own ideas for retail diversity. Be a part of keeping DC the entrepreneurial capital of the USA by helping small businesses improve and thrive in your own neighborhood. Tickets: $25 - go to https://woodleyparkmainstreet.org/ and scroll down to see the “tickets” pay box. Lebanese Taverna is at 2641 Connecticut Avenue NW.
Tuesday, September 24 at 7 PM, Author Talk: Ann Crittenden on Raising Children: The Most Undervalued Leadership Credential. This event kicks off a new season of Tuesday Talks at the Cleveland Park Library. Award-winning journalist, author, and lecturer Ann Crittenden will discuss Raising Children: The Most Undervalued Leadership Credential. Raising kids confers invaluable lessons in managing adults. Crittenden came to this conclusion not only through her own child-rearing experience, but also by interviewing prominent leaders in various fields who had also been hands-on parents. Hear more from Crittenden on her findings, and how your parenting may be preparing you for much, much more. In addition to writing critically-acclaimed books, Crittenden covered economic topics for The New York Times, initiated numerous investigative reports, and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Crittenden’s book will be on sale that evening, and she will be available to sign books. The talk is free and open to the public and takes place at the Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave NW. Seating is on a first come first serve basis, so please come early to get your choice of seats. RSVPs are strongly encouraged - go to http://bit.ly/2ksXNS7. To see the other speakers in this season’s Tuesday Talks, visit www.cpbiz.org/speakers. The Tuesday Talks Series is brought to you by the Cleveland Park Business Association and the Cleveland and Woodley Park Village, in collaboration with the DC Public Library.
Wednesday, September 25 from 7 - 8:30 PM, What Are the Laws of War in Cyberspace? - A Discussion with Susan Rice, MS President Brad Smith, and other industry leaders. Bombs may not be dropping, tanks may not be rolling, but America is engaged in a high-stakes cyber war with her adversaries where there are few rules, no moral framework and no end in sight. Our national security system has yet to answer critical questions emerging from this new zone of conflict: How should America protect its citizens, critical infrastructure, and other targets? Can the US help shape new “rules of war”? And what is the price of failure? Ambassador Susan Rice, former National Security Advisor, and Brad Smith, President of Microsoft and a leading voice on these issues deliver keynote addresses. David Ignatius of The Washington Post moderates a discussion on the state of cyberwarfare and this new digital battleground. Other panelists are: Gen. Keith Alexander (ret), CEO of IronNet and former head of the National Security Agency and Cyber Command; Joseph Nye, Harvard professor and co-chair of Aspen Strategy Group; Laura Rosenberger, Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund, former foreign policy advisor and National Security Council staff. Admission: $15; $7 military and student tickets available - go to: https://cathedral.org/event/what-are-the-laws-of-war-in-cyberspace/. At the National Cathedral, Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues, NW
Thursday, September 26 at 4 PM, Zine Workshop (A Banned Books Week Event). Learn how to make a zine out of a single piece of paper and express what the freedom to read means to you. Discover more about the ways zines are used for self-publishing and sharing your ideas. For ages 13-19. Free. At Georgetown Library, 3260 R St. NW, https://www.dclibrary.org/node/65015
Thursday September 26 at 5:30 PM, Library Takeout: Finding the Bauhaus in the Public Library: Opening Reception and Panel Discussion. The Bauhaus (1919-1933) was a German art school that imagined a better world and launched some of the greatest architects, designers and artists of the 20th century—including Mies van der Rohe, architect of DC’s own Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library. Yet the school’s social vision was eclipsed by World War II and the rise of a fascist regime. Today we see traces of Bauhaus design everywhere—but what became of its utopian ideals? Further, what new perspective does this history offer on present-day challenges of inequality and shrinking public space? Join us for a cross-cultural conversation with experts from the fields of art and design, architecture, and education about historical experiments and today’s realities in design for the public good. Moderated by Maryann James-Daley, Assistant Director of Public Services, DC Public Library, with Panelists: Karen Koelher, Professor of Art History, Hampshire College; Mira Azarm, Innovation Instigator, University of Maryland Academy for Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Hazel Edwards, Chair, Howard University Department of Architecture. Presented in partnership with AIGA DC Design Week. Opening reception and exhibition is from 5:30 - 7 PM. Panel discussion from 7 - 8:30 PM. Please RSVP via Eventbrite at http://bit.ly/2koiWg4. More info: https://www.dclibrary.org/node/65118.
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