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Suffragist Alice Paul (public domain) |
Peggy Robin and Bill Adler
Publishers, Cleveland Park Listserv
Friday, February 28 at 11 AM, The Beloved Community: MLK and Activism in Washington, DC The nation’s capital has always been associated with civic activism, particularly during the tumultuous years of the civil rights movement. No single person stood out as much as a beacon of civil engagement and activism during that time than Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King’s concept of the “beloved community” would be a principle for all people to follow who were concerned about making positive changes regarding injustice, economic and social inequality. Derek Gray, Archivist, DC Public Library, will give a presentation on King’s activism in Washington, DC, including his social organizing efforts and speeches. This program is being presented in conjunction with the museum’s exhibition, A Right To The City, and in partnership with DC Public Library. Registration is requested at http://anacostia.si.edu/Events. This talk will be held at Anacostia Community Museum located at 1901 Fort Place SE. More info: https://www.dclibrary.org/node/66195
Friday, February 28 from 12 -2 PM, Winter Concert, Conversation and Lunch. The Winter Concert, Conversation,and Lunch Series creates opportunities for the community to enjoy music from professional musicians who will give a brief introduction to their musical journey before presenting a half-hour concert. A facilitated discussion in small groups, over free lunch, will follow. This free event takes place at Guy Mason Recreation Center, 3600, Calvert St. NW. Please register at guymasonevents @ gmail dot com or call 202-727-7527. This program is brought to you by Guy Mason Recreation Center, Culture Saves, Interactivity Foundation and the DC Public Library. More information on this event and the series at: https://www.dclibrary.org/node/66323
Friday, February 28 from 1 – 2:30 PM, Lincoln’s Cottage Commemoration of Black History Month with Representative G.K. Butterfield. This year's Black History Month program, African Americans and the Vote, will feature Congressman G.K. Butterfield (1st Cong. District of NC), Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. The Black History Month Theme for 2020 speaks to the ongoing struggle on the part of both black men and black women for the right to vote. This theme has a rich and long history, which begins at the turn of the 19th Centry, i.e., in the era of the Early Republic, with the states’ passage of laws that democratized the vote for white men while disenfranchising free black men. Thus, even before the Civil War, black men petitioned their legislatures and the US Congress, seeking to be recognized as voters. Tensions between abolitionists and women’s suffragists first surfaced in the aftermath of the Civil War, while black disenfranchisement laws in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries undermined the guarantees in the 14th and 15th Amendments for the great majority of southern blacks until the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Through voting-rights campaigns and legal suits from the turn of the 20th Century to the mid-1960s, African Americans made their voices heard as to the importance of the vote. Please check-in and gather in the atrium of the Robert H. Smith Visitor Education Center at President Lincoln's Cottage at 1 PM. The program will be held in the Scott Building of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, and members of the public will walk over together. The program will begin promptly at 1:30 PM. Free. At Lincoln’s Cottage, 140 Rock Creek Church Road NW. Register here: http://bit.ly/2HXedu4.
Friday, February 28 from 6:30 - 8 PM, History Happy Hour at the Sandy Spring Museum: Three Centuries of LBBTQ+ History in the Mid-Atlantic. Long before Pride parades and Supreme Court arguments over Marriage Equality, LGBTQ+ people have been part of the fabric of American life. In this program by Dr. Christopher Mielke and local historian Ron PadrĂ³n, we will look at the hidden queer history of colonial America and the young Republic. Through documented histories of queer and gender non-conforming individuals, our speakers will cover the evolution of gender and sexuality in the mid-Atlantic over three centuries, and challenges faced by Revolutionary War generals, African American schoolteachers and female husbands, among others. Christopher Mielke is the Head of Programming at the Beverly Heritage Center. He speaks on the subject of LGBTQ+ history and has organized queer history tours of Annapolis. Ron Padron is an amateur historian and researcher living in Greenbelt. He has presented on the witches of colonial Maryland, particularly Rebecca Fowler – the only person accused and executed by the colonial government for being a witch. He is also an advocate for LGBTQ+ students and other marginalized communities. Included with your ticket are happy hour drinks and snacks. $15 for Museum Members, $20 for Non-members, available at http://bit.ly/2TbQz26. The Sandy Spring Museum is at 17901 Bentley Rd., Sandy Spring, MD.
Saturday, February 29 at 3 PM, A Spectral Hue - Author Talk with DC Author Craig Gidney. Join us for a discussion with DC author and Lambda Literary Award nominee Craig Gidney. Gidney will discuss his recent book A Spectral Hue (featured in the NPR Book Concierge) followed by audience Q & A. Free. At Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave. NW,. More info: https://www.dclibrary.org/node/66170
Saturday February 29 at 11 PM, Go Take a Flying Leap on Leap Day! Once every four years a day gets added to the calendar at the end of February but it’s still the shortest month of the year. This year we will stre-e-e-e-tch the last hour of the day by ending Leap Day with a flying leap - literally. Come to this leaping contest. The one who can leap the farthest will be awarded The Great Flying Leap Trophy of 2020. We will also give prizes to anyone who can show Real ID proving their birthday is on Leap Day. Free drinks will be awarded in other categories, including most balletic leap, most frog-like leap, and best backwards leap.If you are intending to enter in any leaping category, you must read and sign the online liability waiver available here: http://bit.ly/cpfakeevent
Sunday March 1 from 1 - 5 PM, Opening day of "Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote" - A Pop-up Exhibit. One hundred years ago, the ratification of the 19th Amendment was a landmark moment in American history that dramatically changed the electorate. It enshrined in the United States Constitution fuller citizenship for women and a more expansive democracy for the nation. This pop-up exhibit from the National Archives examines the expansion of the vote to millions of women, before and after the 19th amendment, and its impact today. Exhibit is on for the month of March, accessible whenever the library is open. Free. At Tenley-Friendship Library
4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW, https://www.dclibrary.org/node/66677
Monday, March 2 at 2 PM, Book Talk: "No Access Washington, DC," presented by Beth Kanter, author, and Emily Pearl Goodstein, photographer. Have you ever wondered how much of Washington, DC, you haven’t seen? Where are the secret alleys, hidden caverns, and artistic hideaways? Beth Kanter and Emily Pearl Goodstein expose the unknown and unseen parts of DC—such as the three-story, 43,800-square-foot crypt below the Lincoln Memorial and the plastic dinosaur habitat in a popular DC neighborhood. Free, no registration needed. At The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum, 701 21st Street, NW. More info: https://museum.gwu.edu/no-access
Tuesday, March 3 from 6 - 8 PM, Profs & Pints Presents: The Year Civilization Collapsed, presented by Eric H. Cline, professor of classics and anthropology at George Washington University. Could a globalized, complex, international world system collapse suddenly, without previous warning? Many are worried that it could happen. Few realize that it already occurred before. Such an apocalyptic disaster struck the civilized and international world of the Mediterranean regions in 1177 BC, just a little more than 3,000 years ago. In a vast area stretching from Greece and Italy in the west to Egypt, Canaan, and Mesopotamia in the east, large empires and small kingdoms collapsed rapidly after having taken centuries to evolve. Egyptians, Mycenaeans, Minoans, Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Cypriots, and Canaanites all either disappeared entirely or had to transform rapidly in order to survive. Blame for the end of the Late Bronze Age is usually laid squarely at the feet of invading Sea Peoples, a mysterious population known to us mainly from Egyptian records. However, the collapse may not have been the result of a single invasion, but rather of multiple causes, with potential culprits including earthquakes, storms, climate change, droughts, famine, rebellions, and systems collapse. Might the collapse of those ancient civilizations hold some warnings for our current society? Since it has happened before, could it happen again? Advance tickets: $12, available here: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4504252. Doors: $15, save $2 with a student ID. Listed time is for doors; talk starts 30 minutes later. Please arrive in plenty of time to place any order and be seated and settled before the talk begins.) At Church Hall, 1070 Wisconsin Ave NW.
Tuesday, March 3 at 7 PM, Arc of Suffrage. Join us for a special history talk in honor of Women's History Month and the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. Jamie Stiehm, a Creators Syndicate columnist, discusses the American women’s rights movement of the 19th and 20th centuries. We will discuss Lucretia Mott, founder of the American women's rights movement in 1848, and Alice Paul, the bold young leader who took the movement to the streets to secure victory in 1920. Votes for Women, the rallying cry, marks its centennial in 2020. Both Mott and Paul, years apart, belonged to the Philadelphia Quaker community. This is event is FREE and open to adults. Q&A will follow the talk. This event will take place in the Cleveland Park Library First Floor Meeting Room #1, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW, https://www.dclibrary.org/node/66197
Wednesday March 4 at 7 PM, Birds of Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. If you’re interested in birds, join renowned author and ornithologist Bruce Beehler as he discusses his book Birds of Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. The book is a magnificent guide to the region’s more than 400 bird species and is a bonanza for nature lovers. Dr. Beehler, a research associate in the Bird Division of the Smithsonian’s Museum of Natural History, will also talk about conservation efforts to keep bird populations vibrant and aloft for many generations to come. His presentation will include dozens of stunning color photographs of different bird species. Space is limited; seating is available on a first come, first served basis.Book sale and signing to follow event. At Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave NW. More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/434804730480359/
Thursday, March 5 from 5 - 7:30 PM, GW Arts Walk. Celebrate all the exciting creativity on campus at our 2nd annual arts walk, followed by an after-party at the Corcoran! GW's diverse arts venues will host exhibitions, live music, and other performances, and there will be plenty of opportunities to make your own crafts and shop phenomenal student artwork. Exhibitions range from the multidisciplinary Inter | Sectionality: Diaspora Art from the Creole City at the Corcoran, which explores social justice, celebrates identities, and bridges communities, to the museum's internationally-focused Delight In Discovery: The Global Collections of Lloyd Cotsen and George Washington and His World, which was curated by GW students. Join us at the Corcoran’s after-party from 7:30–9 PM when you’ve finished exploring the #ArtsAtGW! GW Arts Walk is free and open to the public. At Smith Hall of Art, 801 22nd Street, NW. More info: https://museum.gwu.edu/GWartswalk
Thursday,:March 5 at 6:30 PM, Lecture and Book Signing, 1774: The Long Year of Revolution. Mary Beth Norton, the Mary Donlon Alger Professor Emerita of American History at Cornell University, discusses and signs copies of her new book analyzing the revolutionary change that took place between December 1773 and April 1775—from the Boston Tea Party and the first Continental Congress to the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Drawing extensively on pamphlets, newspapers and personal correspondence, Dr. Norton reconstructs colonial political discourse as it happened, showing the vigorous campaign mounted by conservatives criticizing congressional actions. But by then it was too late. In early 1775, governors throughout the colonies informed colonial officials in London that they were unable to thwart the increasing power of the committees and their allied provincial congresses. Although the Declaration of Independence would not be formally adopted until July 1776, Americans, even before the outbreak of war in April 1775, had in effect “declared independence” by obeying the decrees of their new provincial governments rather than colonial officials. Held on the 250th anniversary of the Boston Massacre, this event examines the imperial discord that led from resistance to revolution. The talk will last approximately 45 minutes, followed by a book signing and refreshments. At the Society of the Cincinnati, Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Avenue NW. Registration is required for this free event - go to: https://www.americanrevolutioninstitute.org/event/authors-talk-1774/
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