Thursday, December 30, 2021

Stay In! Enjoy a Quiet At-Home New Year's Eve/New Year's Day

New Year's Fireworks (Wikimedia Commons)
by Peggy Robin

On the Thursday before New Year's Eve/New Year's Day, the "Get Out!" column is supposed to tell you where you can partake of New Year's festivities for free or at low cost -- and the closer to Cleveland Park, the better.

This year, with Omicron spreading fast and Delta not going away, here's what we recommend: Stay home! Watch CNN to see the ball drop in Times Square with Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen. The crowd in NYC will be limited to 15,000 -about a quarter of what the space can accommodate- and everyone must be fully vaxxed and keeps their masks on. 

I've looked for a similar celebration in DC but haven't found it. Please post, if you know of a nice, safe, outdoor New Year's event that is not already fully booked up -- or cancelled.

The "Noon Year's Eve" festivities at The Yards Park, a free, family-friendly outdoor celebration taking place at noon on Friday, December 31, is completely sold out.  

"First Night Alexandria" -- which was to have taken place for the 27th straight year -- has been cancelled. However, there will still be a fireworks show over the Potomac, starting at midnight and lasting 10 minutes. So, those of you who own boats, enjoy the view. Or you could drive to Alexandria's Waterfront Park, which has 1.37 acres for spectators to spread out and socially distance themselves.  

However you welcome the new year 2023, may it be a better one than the one on the way out!

Still Life with Robin is published on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Thursdays. 

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