Saturday, July 16, 2022

Still Life with Robin: Weird Weather in Washington

by Peggy Robin

On a gorgeous summer day (today, July 16 2022) it's a good time to take a look back at the wildest weather day of the week -- that was sunset lightning storm we had on Tuesday night, July 12. 

All of these Twitter photos are well worth a click!

That's some CRRRAAAZZZY lightning:

Here's one from a professional reporter, Dave Dildine at WTOP: 

The Capital Weather Gang tweeted a good one here:
...with more on the Washington Post's website:

Here's where it gets really weird! This tweet shows what the poster is calling a double rainbow sunset. But it seems more like a red dome to me:

This pic shows the orangey-est sky I've ever seen:

More weird colors: An indigo sky with a rainbow dome:

Here's one with the indigo, the orange, and the weird lightning -- all blithely ignored by a cat sleeping in a cat tree safe inside a high-rise apartment with big windows: (Someone could write a fine poem that captures this scene.)

And now, let's end with something from another day and another place (July 15, West Virginia). It's not a thunderstorm -- it's a FOGBOW

Still Life with Robin is published on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays.

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