Sunday, July 14, 2024

Still Life with Robin: The Blooms of Summer, Part 2

 by Peggy Robin

About a month ago I wrote in this space about the explosion of colorful, blooming hydrangea bushes I had observed on a short walk around Cleveland Park. I am so far out of my wheelhouse when it comes to botanical matters that I wondered if summer was always like this and I'd just never noticed it before, or whether this really was a super-spectacular summer for hydrangeas.

Now I've got the answer to my question. It's not just my own bloom-obliviousness. Yes, folks, according to the New York Times, this is an exceptional year for hydrangeas.

Here you go, all the flower news that's fit to print:

It’s Not Just Your Garden: ‘Hydrangea Hysteria’ Blooms in the Northeast

Here’s why hydrangeas are having a banner year on the East Coast and how you can enjoy them. 

Read the whole article to learn the why, when, and how of this year's super-bloom -- and even if you don't read the whole thing, do click on the link below to see a Tik-Tok of the proof (taken in Maryland): 


Still Life with Robin is posted on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays (usually) but in this case, it was delayed until Sunday.

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