Saturday, December 14, 2024

Still Life with Robin: And the Listies continue with the 5 nominees in the category of BEST QUERY or ISO

Best Query or ISO - Too many choices! Had a very hard time whittling it down to five! 
1. The moment it was posted, I had no doubt that this query was going to make the cut:  Got sheets for the Smithsonian Zoo's Orangutans? was posted by Therese F. on Oct 1, Message  #218548. As Therese explained, "Orangutans make a new bed every night. Because they do not have an endless supply of foliage at the zoo, they love playing and sleeping in clean sheets ( I am in contact with the primatologist at the Smithsonian's zoo and will deliver these goods in person." 
Did Cleveland Park Listservers come through? How could you doubt it?! On Oct 7 Therese sent a postback: "Orangutans will sleep nicely tonight! Early this morning I dropped off the 6-months worth of sheet donations for the orangutans at the Smithsonian Zoo....The 7 orangutans are already looking forward to tonight! The primatologist on the right of the photo was very grateful to our community! (Message  #218439)


2. Mystery object - does anyone know what this is? That was the question posed by Sharon C. on Aug 28, Message #217014
She provides the details: "Found when we cleared out parents’ house 24 years ago and I’m guessing it might be even from my grandparents’ era (1940s). It’s 6” tall and the round base diameter is 1.75”. Came in a small wooden box that included small metal tweezers. Anybody have a guess or where I could check to find out? Thanks to the Listserv, it didn't stay a mystery for long. Just one day later, August 29, in Message #217051 Sharon writes back:  Mystery Object Solved! "Thanks to one and all who discovered that I own an antique field microscope! One astute observer explained that it would have been used with slides that would allow the mirror to reflect the light and make specimens visible. And sure enough, when I looked more closely at the box’s fittings there is a small partition that would accommodate slides. And now I understand the role of the tweezers—to position the items for viewing! And the beauty of this listserve is that I learned also about the utility of Google Lens. Of course, it still remains a mystery as to why someone in my family would have owned this but maybe my father as a boy? Many many thanks for all the help & insights!!!"
3. Who knows stained glass? Where do you turn when you want information about the history of something in an old Cleveland Park house? Just ask the Listserv, which is what Leslie P. did when she had questions about her gorgeous stained glass window. (March 30 Message  #212068 ): "This stained glass window is built into my 1928 Cleveland Park house.....I don’t know anything about the window and want to know more – both about what character is portrayed in the window as well as who created it. Friends have suggested the woman in the center could be one of the Muses, possibly Erato or Terpsichore, or perhaps the goddess Artemis. She seems to have an armored top and is holding a harp or lyre with a feline-looking head. As for who the artist was, I have no information. Does anyone know anything about stained glass windows similar to this? Or, perhaps somewhere to look for more information? I have done various Google searches with little success." [Larger version of the photo below available at this link:]

A note on the responses: Leslie's questions did not get any direct answers but she did get a couple of referrals to some good stained glass history resources.
4. ISO help assembling kids bike for refugee family. Here's how Kay P. described what was needed, and why: "I have a brand new donated kid's bike (in the box) that needs to be assembled before being delivered to a refugee family. Single mom, 9 kids … tough situation. Anyone out there willing to assemble the bike and deliver to Bethesda (volunteer's house) or possibly even Silver Spring (family’s house)? All the kids except the littlest two girls have received donated bikes so this would make those little girls very happy !! I can deliver box to you this weekend…"
As soon as I saw the query (Message #217131) I entered it in the document I was compiling called "Possible Listy Contenders, 2024. But I never knew how the story ended. Did some kind person step forward to bring a ready-to-ride bike to a little girl without wheels? I emailed Kay a few days ago with that question,  and  i am pleased to present her answer: "Yes ! I did :). About 3 different people responded… amazing right ??"
5. Reptile Needs a Ride. Sometimes the query is something far out....or in this case, far, far away. Destination, West Hollywood. Passenger ISO a ride. That's not so unusual, is it...for a human. But would you give a lizard a lift? Here's the ISO from Marjorie D.S. on Oct 10, Message #218548: "Anyone driving cross country? There's a small pet lizard that needs a ride!" I wish I could report that the Listserv came through for Marjorie on what she admits was a longshot, but honestly, we can't do everything! Well, it was worth certainly worth a try, and I am happy to report a lizard-chauffeur was not needed in the end; Marjorie's good friend Lisa G. found that FedEx has a pet shipping service, which, for a very reasonable fee, safely boxed up Mr Smaug (that's the lizard's name) for his flight.

Marjorie reports: "[Lisa] wrapped up the package per instructions and sent  it off from a Northeast DC FedEx pet shipping location. I picked up Mr Smaug, cross country, in the morning at a special FedEx pet shipping location on the other side. Mr Smaug is now happily settled."
Click on the link below to view a shared video clip:
Still Life with Robin's 2024 Nominations for Listies will continue with the next message, revealing the five nominees for Best Advice / Response to a Query 

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