Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Listies 2024 Special Edition! Poster of the Year

by Peggy Robin

We don't award this Listy every year. In fact, we've awarded it only once before, in 2022, to Eleanor Oliver, for her posts about the past -- her oral histories of neighborhood life going back to the sixties (Message  #196424, Dec 31, 2022).

We're awarding it this year for posts about the present. Our award winner, Meghan K., has posted excellent messages all year long, on the widest possible range of topics -- messages that were always lively, engaging, and useful contributions to the Listserv. What's more, her posts were all properly formatted, grammatically correct, signed at the end, and all the other adjectives that characterize a good Listserv message: kind, helpful, brave, clean, and completely Listworthy.

When totting up the nominees, I found that Meghan had a solid contender in fve of the seven categories, missing only Best Giveaway and Best Query. In the category of Best Advice alone, she could have had all five nominations! But that seemed unfair to all the other posters who were potential nominees, to have one list member up for some many awards. Then we hit upon the solution -- and here it is: Forget the separate nominations and recognize Meghan K. as POSTER OF THE YEAR.

Here are the posts that might have been nominated in five of the seven categories: 

Best Animal Post:
Spotted lantern fly is here!

Sept 20, Message with photo!

Ack! Spotted this spotted lantern fly on the Connecticut Avenue bridge over the Klingle Valley Trail! I tried to stomp on it but was distracted trying to explain invasive species to my 5-year old. 
If you see them, smush them. 

This is one of five of her posts that could have been a contender for Best Advice:

Re: Recycling question. (Mar 25, Message #211910) Since the recycling questions are going strong, I thought I would share a few resources:  

Charlotte Dreizen on X/Twitter - hands down the best place to learn about recycling in DC

I'm also attaching the cheat sheet I put together for my multi-family building.

The big thing to remember is to not "WISHcycle." When we put items we wish (or think) could be recycled in the blue bins, it leads to contamination. If the contamination levels are too high, the entire load is diverted to the trash. Most common  wishcycled things I see - wire hangers, plastics bags (in household recycling), wires and electronics, bubble wrap, plastic mailers, and tea bags/used coffee filters.

Also, all items must be larger than 2x2 - so if it's smaller than a post-it note, it has to go in the trash. This is why you need to screw plastic caps back on plastic bottles and leave can lids attached to the can.

Photo of the year
FS: Vintage Wood Rocking Horse (May 5, Message #213355).  

Our kiddo has outgrown the wooden rocking horse that used to be her dad's. This is vintage from the '80s. Definitely old school but still in great shape. [snip]

Best post in a LONG DISCUSSION. 
Moving away from gas appliances. Message #220421. "Depending on where your interests/concerns lie, research has shown that gas appliances are an attributable factor to childhood asthma -  There are also other health factors mostly related to respiratory issues but also methane release as it negatively impacts climate change -

Good, solid message, brief but informative, citing reputable sources.

Last: and for Post of the Year, this charming recounting of her kids' non-candy Halloween haul -- plus the bit about the side-eye to the GIANT pixie stick. Funny, helpful....sweet, but not TOO sweet:

Re: Candy v. Potatos - Halloween Survey Results !!! (Message #219328 on Nov 1) "This year, on top of the usual candy selection, our kiddo came home with stickers, pencils, a popcorn snack bag, a hostess cupcake, and a banana dressed like a mummy. It was the most diverse bag of treats! The only one I, as a mom, side-eyed at was the GIANT pixie stick.
If you want to break away from candy, our kiddo has loved stickers, coloring materials, temporary tattoos, bubbles, and slap bracelets."

Before awarding her the 2024 Poster of the Year Listy, I should mention that Meghan already has a Listy from 2023, when she won in the category of Best Advice, for her repsonse to the query for best sources of local news. Her message in response was a meticulously researched compilation of 43 local news sources, all with working links (Message #206898)
Meghan, you have earned your place in the CP Listserv Hall of Fame (if we had one)!
Next in the Listies series: You have a vote!
The Cleveland Park Listies are posted on the Cleveland Park Listserv on the last four Saturdays of the Year. Come back next Saturday, December 28, when we announce the winners!!!

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