Thursday, December 16, 2010

Police Chief Lanier Responds to Increased Crime in Ward 3

Chief of Police Cathy Lanier has taken note of the increased crime in Ward 3, including several armed robberies and home break-ins. Here is what Chief Lanier said that the Metropolitan Police will be doing in response.

I have received numerous inquiries regarding crimes in the northern areas of the Second District, particularly in Ward 3. I have asked Commander Klein to expound on recent crime trends, as well as his efforts to combat robberies and burglaries in particular.

Over the past 30 days, there were 14 robberies in Ward 3, which include portions of PSAs 201, 202, 203, 204 and 205. At least 4 of those robberies occurred the weekend of December 4, and a press release regarding the string of robberies was issued last week seeking the public's assistance in identifying the suspects. Those particular robberies, which we believe are possibly linked, remain unsolved. In an unrelated event, last week detectives in Montgomery County arrested 2 female suspects after a robbery in Bethesda. Second District detectives were able to tie the two females to several robberies that occurred in the Second District in the past several weeks. This case is still ongoing, but I am confident that some of the robberies will be solved.

In the past 30 days, there were 25 burglaries in Ward 3. Eight of the burglaries involved homes that were occupied at the time of the break-in. Detectives that have been working these cases have developed leads in several burglaries.

Commander Klein has prepared a plan, in which he has shifted resources from other parts of the Second District up to the PSAs that were most adversely affected by the robberies and burglaries. In short, he has created a rapid-response unit tasked with patrolling residential areas, conducting stops of suspicious persons, and responding in a code-1 status (with lights and sirens) to all calls for burglar alarms and suspicious persons. Second District vice officers have also been deployed in the area in plain-clothes and will be conducting surveillance operations. Second District detectives are continuing to investigate the cases and are coordinating with Montgomery County detectives and sharing valuable information.

Over the past 7 days, there were 4 robberies in Ward 3. Specifically, none in PSA 201, 1 in PSA 202, 3 in PSA 203, none in PSA 204 and none in PSA 205

There were 10 burglaries over the past 7 days in Ward 3. Specifically, 4 in PSA 201, 3 in PSA 202, 2 in PSA 203, 2 in PSA 204, and 1 in PSA 205.

Although it appears that the increased police presence is slowing things down, there is still work to be done and I have asked Commander Klein for daily updates on his efforts. I understand that several of the PSAs have had community meetings to discuss these trends, as well as posted information on the various Listserv groups.

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