by Bill Adler
One woman is wheeling two kids in a cart as police struggle to keep cars and people separate. Police looking increasingly annoyed.
Watching people use leaf blowers reminds me of cleaning my room as a kid; just push the mess somewhere else. They're pointless.
Leaf blowers - what the wind is for. Except the wind is a lot more quiet. #shhsleepytime
ND Farmers Union will open a 3rd restaurant in the DC area, Nov. 3rd. Potomac's Founding Farmers billed as "greenest" restaurantin DC.
@wmata bus 16B heading to the Pentagon just blew through this crosswalk at AF Mem, honking at pedestrians.
The @wmata station manager is yelling at passengers over the PA system. He needs to control himself...
Shopping for men is like shopping for shoes #News #DC
Arrest in shooting death of Davon Gray: Antonio Jones suspected of second degree murder
Should D.C. taxi riders have to pay, in part or full, for their trips upfront?
Wal-Mart opponents recruiting Occupy D.C. for flash mob protest tonight. #occupydc
CM Mary Cheh: DC is committed to restoring the preeminent place of cities in nat'l life. #rv11
DC Wine Week: Tasting at Dino Restaurant with Dean Gold, owner, chef, wine, aficionado - Wash... #wine in the #news
Zoning Commission approved this week new residential development w/expanded Safeway in Petworth
Sigh. I need to remember that when Metro says there's no delays during single-tracking, Metro lies. #Wmata
Loved DC! Great balance of work & hanging w/my niece & nephew. Now, back to NYC. DC, I'll be back!
okay, now, off to listen to people talk about beer while i consume some! #finally
What's behind the neighborhood name Adams Morgan? #dc
Ladies & gents - Pleased to say for 1st time in months Walter Reed reports all pollen counts are LOW (even mold)
Nothing says "overly litigious neighbor" quite like threatening to sue people on the listserve. #brookland
Pedestrian/bike deaths make up nearly 1/3 of traffic fatalities in DC area, a bigger share than in past:
Bicyclist Struck - Kenyon St. & 11th St. NW.
Brown proposes waiving annual evaluations to draw top teachers to struggling schools
What happens when your kids carve a pumpkin a month before Halloween and sit it outside?
@unsuckdcmetro walking up dupont circle.
Kid asks Gray what inspired him to run for mayor, Gray says "revenge." Kidding, he said b/c he loves this city
Kid asks Gray what a mayor does, Gray answers: "meetings"
Kid asks Gray how it feels to be mayor. Gray "on balance it's a great job" but "I have some pretty rough days also."
I am not surprised Ron Moten is joining GOP. I am surprised, however, he's kicking off his campaign at a cemetery. Not sure what that means #occupyDC has been raising $2,500 per day? To put into perspective, DC Democratic Committee has raised $800 all year
Councilmember Bowser Opposes Renaming Georgia Ave.-Petworth Metro
Well, I guess I can't keep a guard tiger:
More wood smoke in Cleveland Park than I've smelled since Peggy Cooper Cafritz's house burned down.
@AmiNoelle: Happy Birthday to @kbi20008 ! The fiercest girl in all of Cleveland Park!" // thank you my dear BFF.
Are you prepared to testify at DC Council hearings? This 41-page how-to guide and templates can help:
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