Saturday, June 4, 2022

Still Life with Robin: Crossing with Snakes

by Peggy Robin

On Thursday, June 2, a list member, Andrew, posted a link to a video he found on Twitter, tweeted by DC City Girl @dccitygirl_, showing a snake entering the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Macomb Street. Here's the link, in case you missed it the first time:

Since that tweet was posted, there's been considerable commentary -- 64 replies at last count -- and a number of them are worth repeating for the many Cleveland Park Listserv readers who seem quite "charmed" by this footless, slithering pedestrian. Well, OK, not all were charmed. A few were a bit freaked out. 

Here now is a sampling of serpentine reactions:

Jon Bender πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @oblivious_dude May 31 Replying to  @dccitygirl_
I'm so used to only seeing that metaphorically in DC.

MC @irishmel3

Lars Etzkorn @LarsEtzkornLaw
Pick it up and help it to safety. Wouldn’t you want the same from the Green Giant?

Ashley K @districtofash
That snake is really big. If i saw it, I’d be embarrassingly high pitched screaming.

Ken S @magpiewdc 
Black snakes & rat snakes are great rat predators, and Cleveland Park has a terrible rat problem. You should have gotten on the other side & tried to herd it toward safety, away from Connecticut. They don’t stand a chance in the street.

NellnotNeil-It’sADamn”L” @DMBG44
Is he using the crosswalk? He better use the crosswalk

Andrew T. Richardson, III @EsqAndrew
Crossing Connecticut, even in a car, can be hazardous. I hope he looked both ways before slithering across.   

Diane Toucan @DianeToucan
I would have picked it up and walked it across the street. I hope someone did.

TheRealDeal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ @TheRealDealMD
Be my guest. I’ll let Indiana Jones speak for me.  

Carrie Chops 🌻@cchops
Hero! Eat our rats!

spacecow1016 @spacecow1016

To access the video go to:
You can redivert him, its just a black rat snake and harmless ♡ hope he is ok!

Scott Wiskoski @scott_wiskoski
Looks like a juvenile rat snake. Go snake!


Definitely more pro snake votes than anti !

But we never did find out if the snake made it safely to the other side.... 


Still Life with Robin is posted on the
Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local 
on Saturdays.

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