Thursday, July 27, 2023

Get Out! See the Sturgeon Supermoon on Tuesday night, August 1st!

by Peggy Robin

Did you miss last month's supermoon? It was called the Buck Moon. The names of the full moons come from Native American and other indigenous cultures and have been promulgated through the years by the Farmers' Almanac.)  

Watch a video montage (1:12 min) from The Guardian:

What is a supermoon? Get the Fast Fact here:

On Tuesday, August 1, we will have the second supermoon of 2023  -- this one's called the Sturgeon Moon -- and if the weather's clear, you might want to get away from the city lights and find a good, dark viewing spot to watch it rise. It will probably be cooler at night if you get out of the city, too! has some good information and viewing tips:

The August 1st full moon also takes place on "cross quarter day," that is, a day that falls midway between the summer solstice and the fall equinox: This day was celebrated in the ancient Celtic calendar as the festival of the first harvest, called "Lammas" or "Loaf-mas." In Gaelic, it's Lughnasadh. (If you're interested in learning more about this little tangent, wander off to

Don't worry if you have to give it a miss. There's another coming up on August 30/31 and another one after that on September 28/29: That's four supermoons in a row, including the "blue moon" one at the end of August, which will be the biggest, brightest of all (that is, the one closest to earth).

Not a night owl? For those who read the "Get Out" column for the daytime events, here's a fun and satisfying festival you can attend for free, and you can be back at your air-conditioned house before sunset:

Eats in the Streets - Adams Morgan
Saturday, July 29 from 1 - 8 PM
FREE admission!

Here's the description of the Festival posted on Instagram

The first-ever Adams Morgan Eats in the Streets Festival! The event takes place this Saturday, July 29 from 1-8pm along 18th Street between Columbia and Kalorama Roads NW. The street will be closed to cars and open to all (hungry) pedestrians! Eats in the Streets will showcase approximately 50 neighborhood restaurants and retailers in streatery spaces along the road closure offering attendees the chance to sample cuisines from across the globe, purchase meals to go, and wander through an open street. Participating restaurants will be offering dozens of all-day discounts, a “crowd favorite” menu item for $10 or less, and other fun surprises. Neighborhood retailers will also be onsite selling merchandise, giving out free samples, swag, and more.

Picnic tables will be available for attendees to eat at, enjoy live musical performances throughout the day, and gather with neighbors. Free fitness classes, face painting, a giant Foamboree for kids (the perfect way to beat the heat), balloon twisting, a chalk art muralist, and other fun activities will be available to event patrons – a schedule can be found online prior to the event. A DC Water misting station and water bottle refill station will be available for the public’s enjoyment and to cool down.

And, that’s not all! The first 500 guests to arrive at the @admobid tent will receive a FREE event t-shirt. #ForkYeah

[The rest of the tweet has been snipped for length but is available in fall at:]

The "Get Out" event(s) of the week column is posted on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Thursdays.

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