Saturday, July 29, 2023

Still Life with Robin: If Looking at Pictures Could Lower the Temperature, This Would Help!

by Peggy Robin

During the heat emergency, it can be hard to remember what it feels like to be cold. Here's a little mind refresher, tweeted out by the National Park Service:

And here's a reply from Kevin Ambrose @dcstormchaser:

Gotta love the smile on that guy!

Kevin's a member of the Capital Weather Gang and a prolific weather photographer. As long as you're staying cool indoors, you might want to spend a few minutes browsing through Kevin's recent shots on Twitter (As you might have guessed, I am holding out for the old name -- not going to call it "X," ever. That's my position and I'm sticking to it, the way my mother --like all good and true New Yorkers-- never, ever called Sixth Avenue anything but Sixth Avenue, even though it was officially renamed "Avenue of the Americas" in 1945!)

Here are some of Kevin's greatest hits -- seven posted photos from July 26 (#1 ) back to Feb 25, 2023 (#7) .
  1. (Sunrise)
  2. (Lightning)
  3. (Fourth of July)
  4. (Memorial Day)
  5. (20  years of cherry trees)
  6. (Stumpy The Cherry Tree)
  7. (Sunrise over the Iwo Jima Memorial)
Still Life with Robin in published on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays.

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