Saturday, November 25, 2023

Still Life with Robin: Twelve Months of Stumpy, Our Favorite Little Cherry Tree

 by Peggy Robin

I don't normally take up space in this column to recommend gifts or any sort of purchases, but this is one that really spoke to me: It's the 2024 calendar, Seasons of Stumpy, by Washington Post photographer Kevin Ambrose:

I first became a Stumpy fan during the cherry blooming days in the spring of 2023 and wrote about it in this space: "Say Hello to My Bloomin' Little Friend"

Around that time I became one of  Keven Ambrose's legion of followers on the Social Media Site Formerly Known As Twitter (we could aconymize it as SMedSiFKAT....or maybe it's better pronounced as So-Med-SiFKa-Twit?). Kevin Ambrose is the one who introduced me -- and thousands and thousands of other cherry tree enthusiasts -- to "the little cherry tree that could."

So of course, the instant I saw that he had assembled a collection of Stumpy shots taken throughout the year into a 2024 calendar, I had to have it.

You can get it here: 

You can view the calendar's 12 months of Stumpy photos here:

(No, I don't get a commission for pushing it! Happy just to have Stumpy get a larger fan-base!)

p.s. This is the photo I took, not one of Kevin's.
Still Life with Robin is posted on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays.

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