Monday, September 12, 2011

DC Historic Preservation Office Hosts Public Meeting on 5-Year Plan

Photo by DCPL
No jokes about Soviet or North Korean five-year plans, please! DC's Historic Preservation Office is asking for public input on its next five year plan for historic preservation in the nation's capital. You can read the draft of the 20008-2012 goals for historic preservation from this link. Here's the invitation to attend the planning meeting:

Historic Preservation Planning Meeting
Tuesday, September 13, 5:00-7:00 pm
Sumner School, 17th and M Streets, NW (3rd Floor Auditorium) 

Join the DC Historic Preservation Office for a public meeting focused on the preparation of the city's five year Historic Preservation Plan. This plan, last updated in 2007, outlines broad policies and specific goals for historic preservation activities in the District of Columbia.

The purpose of the meeting is to obtain public input on the state of the preservation movement in the District of Columbia. Feedback and opinions are being sought on the following:
  • How well are we taking care of our cultural resources? 
  • What are some of the successes and failures of preservation in the past five years? 
  • What conditions economic, financial, social, political are supporting or presenting challenges to preservation? 
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of DC's preservation programs and partners? 
For further information, including a first draft of the plan the 2008-2012 plan, please see the HPO website.

Bruce Yarnall
Historic Preservation Office/DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 442-8835

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