wanted to share some events and activities that list members might be interested in. Have a great weekend -- and week beyond, too. If you know of an event that the 13,000+ members of the Cleveland Park Listserv should know about, email us at events @ fastmail.us.
Bill Adler and Peggy Robin
Publishers, Cleveland Park Listserv
Friday, January 3 from 10 - 11:30 AM, Pictures in a Box, an Arts and Memory Project presented by Club Memory at Sibley Memorial Hospital. Learn how to make a keepsake box for your treasured photos and souvenirs. Free, all materials and box provided. In 2nd Floor, Conference Room 5 at Sibley Memorial Hospital, 5255 Loughboro Road NW. More info: http://bit.ly/1coLhRK
Saturday, January 4 from 10 AM - 2 PM, TREEcycle It! Tree Mulching at Murch Elementary School. Don't trash your Christmas tree, TREEcycle it! Support our boys' and girls' basketball teams by bringing your discarded Christmas tree to the Murch Elementary School parking lot at 4810 36th St NW. For a donation of $5 - $10, Branches Tree Experts will shred your tree into a bag of mulch that you can take home or donate to the school's educational garden. Keep those trees out of the landfill; create mulch for Murch, and support student athletes at the same time.
Saturday, January 4 at 12:30 PM, Carillon recital at the National Cathedral. Cathedral Carillonneur Edward M. Nassor plays a recital most Saturday afternoons. Best heard from the Bishop’s Garden. Free.
Washington National Cathedral, Wisconsin Massachusetts Avenues NW.
Sunday, January 5 at 1 PM, Crafty Sunday at the teen space in the Chevy Chase Library. From basic bracelet-making to Manga cartooning and duct tape projects, we have a range of fun activities for a perfect
crafternoon. Location: 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW, http://www.dclibrary.org/node/39046
Sunday, January 5 at 1:30 PM, Digital Photo Club for anyone at any skill level who would like to build skills in digital photography. At the Petworth Neighborhood Library, 4200 Kansas Avenue NW. Free.
Monday, January 6 at 6 PM, Take a Selfie Workshop. Learn to take a professional-looking selfie, even if you have short arms. You can take a photo of yourself that will amaze your Facebook friends or impress potential dates on Match.com. At the Corcoran Gallery of Art. You don’t need to bring anything, or even show up, because this is the weekly fake event.
Thursday, January 9 from 7 - 8:30 PM, Book discussion of The End, by Salvatore Scibona, part of the Winter Book Discussion Series of award-winning young fiction writers, led by Phil Burnham, George Mason University.The authors in this series are all Americans, and all under age 45, and they’ve each won at least one major book award, and all books are debut novels. Each book will be discussed independently (you need not have attended any of the other discussions to attend this session.). About The End: “Cast against the racial, spiritual, and moral tension that has given rise to modern America, this first novel exhumes
the secrets lurking in the darkened crevices of the soul of our country. Inventive, explosive, and revelatory, The End introduces Salvatore Scibona as an important new voice in American fiction.” At the Cleveland
Park Library, Connecticut Avenue and Macomb Street NW.
Bill Adler and Peggy Robin
Publishers, Cleveland Park Listserv
Friday, January 3 from 10 - 11:30 AM, Pictures in a Box, an Arts and Memory Project presented by Club Memory at Sibley Memorial Hospital. Learn how to make a keepsake box for your treasured photos and souvenirs. Free, all materials and box provided. In 2nd Floor, Conference Room 5 at Sibley Memorial Hospital, 5255 Loughboro Road NW. More info: http://bit.ly/1coLhRK
Saturday, January 4 from 10 AM - 2 PM, TREEcycle It! Tree Mulching at Murch Elementary School. Don't trash your Christmas tree, TREEcycle it! Support our boys' and girls' basketball teams by bringing your discarded Christmas tree to the Murch Elementary School parking lot at 4810 36th St NW. For a donation of $5 - $10, Branches Tree Experts will shred your tree into a bag of mulch that you can take home or donate to the school's educational garden. Keep those trees out of the landfill; create mulch for Murch, and support student athletes at the same time.
Saturday, January 4 at 12:30 PM, Carillon recital at the National Cathedral. Cathedral Carillonneur Edward M. Nassor plays a recital most Saturday afternoons. Best heard from the Bishop’s Garden. Free.
Washington National Cathedral, Wisconsin Massachusetts Avenues NW.
Sunday, January 5 at 1 PM, Crafty Sunday at the teen space in the Chevy Chase Library. From basic bracelet-making to Manga cartooning and duct tape projects, we have a range of fun activities for a perfect
crafternoon. Location: 5625 Connecticut Ave. NW, http://www.dclibrary.org/node/39046
Sunday, January 5 at 1:30 PM, Digital Photo Club for anyone at any skill level who would like to build skills in digital photography. At the Petworth Neighborhood Library, 4200 Kansas Avenue NW. Free.
Monday, January 6 at 6 PM, Take a Selfie Workshop. Learn to take a professional-looking selfie, even if you have short arms. You can take a photo of yourself that will amaze your Facebook friends or impress potential dates on Match.com. At the Corcoran Gallery of Art. You don’t need to bring anything, or even show up, because this is the weekly fake event.
Thursday, January 9 from 7 - 8:30 PM, Book discussion of The End, by Salvatore Scibona, part of the Winter Book Discussion Series of award-winning young fiction writers, led by Phil Burnham, George Mason University.The authors in this series are all Americans, and all under age 45, and they’ve each won at least one major book award, and all books are debut novels. Each book will be discussed independently (you need not have attended any of the other discussions to attend this session.). About The End: “Cast against the racial, spiritual, and moral tension that has given rise to modern America, this first novel exhumes
the secrets lurking in the darkened crevices of the soul of our country. Inventive, explosive, and revelatory, The End introduces Salvatore Scibona as an important new voice in American fiction.” At the Cleveland
Park Library, Connecticut Avenue and Macomb Street NW.
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