Saturday, January 4, 2014

Still Life With Robin: Stay Warm

Photo by Ryan Mahle via Flickr/Wikimedia
by Peggy Robin

On this first Saturday of 2014, when it’s 19 degrees out and everything is coated in a layer of ice, it seems like a good day to stay warm and huddle around the flickering screen of your computer or handheld device. Here are a few cozy little time wasters to help you procrastinate from some chore or keep you from fulfilling your New Year’s resolution to achieve something important this year.

Captain Picard sings “Let It Snow”.

The Oxford University animated Christmas card 2013.
(Yes, it’s a bit late for this, but if you haven’t seen it before, you’ll be glad you’re seeing it now.)

If your New Year’s Eve party consisted of watching Anderson Cooper yak while the ball dropped on Times Square, take a look at this collection of celebrations and fireworks in cities around the globe, from Edinburgh to Pyong Yang:

And then you may way to move on to the Time/Lightbox 2013 Year in Pictures slideshow:

Time Magazine presents a speeded-up 2013-year-in-review broken up into segments based on the length of the news event.

And now, for a better life in the year to come here’s an intriguing list of little ways to improve, improvise, and innovate how you do things.

Or you may just want to curl up by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa. Don’t have a fireplace? Here’s the next best thing:


Still Life With Robin is published on the Cleveland Park Listserv,, and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays.

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